Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) is a long-lived easy care summer flowering perennial or sub-shrub. It grows in dry to medium moist, well-drained soil and, first and foremost, in full sun. It holds up to summer’s heat, drought, and humidity (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). The Perennial Plant Association designated Russian Sage as the Perennial Plant of the […]
Archive for the ‘Perennials’ Category
Let Gaura Flutter In Your Garden This Summer
What first catches your eye about perennial gaura (Gaura lindheimeri) is its light airy white (or pink) flowers (USDA hardiness zones 5 -9). Orchid-like blossoms are perched atop long thin stems. A faint breeze makes flowers flutter like a cloud of small butterflies above the dark green foliage. Also called […]
‘PeeDee Ingot’ Liriope Brightens Dark Areas
If you live in the Southeastern U.S., another variety of liriope probably will not impress you. Here we call it “monkeygrass”. PeeDee Ingot liriope (Liriope muscari ‘PeeDee Ingot’) is no ordinary ground cover (USDA hardiness zones 6-10). ‘Peedee Ingot’ liriope is named after the Peedee River in South […]
Hummingbird Favorite Plants
Many lists of hummingbird plants available in books, on the internet, and at garden centers aren’t very good hummer plants (e.g. petunias, daylillies). Inclusion of whole genera (e.g. Penstemon or Aquilegia) is not correct as only a few species supply ample quality nectar to hummingbirds. Creating a definitive […]
Obedient Plant For Late Summer Blooming
Obedient plant (Physostegia virginiana) is native from the Central to Southern U.S. and northern Mexico (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). It is called “obedient plant” because each tubular flower will, upon being pushed in any one direction, stays in new position. From July to September obedient plant is valued for its late season pink or white […]
Lots Of Stokes Asters To Pick
Stokes aster (Stokesia laevis) is an underutilized herbaceous perennial. It is indigenous to the southeastern United States (USDA hardiness zones 5-9 and AHS heat zones 4-11). Many attractive cultivars are now available (see below). Most stokes asters produce mostly blue and purple colored floral cultivars, but violet, yellow, white, and blended color forms are also […]
Managing Leaf Spot Infections
There are nearly 1,000 fungal pathogens that cause leaf spot diseases on garden plants. Fungal leaf spots vary in size—from the size of a pinpoint to lesions that consume the entire leaf. Many leaf spots are tan to dark brown in color and may be circular, angular or irregular in shape. Some of the common […]
Sunset Cutie® Gaillardia
New from PlantHaven is a new 15-inch gaillardia (Gaillardia x grandiflora) called Sunset Cutie® with red-bronze flowers edged in creamy yellow. It will leave a bright fiesta feel to our home landscape. Sunset Cutie has a compact mounding plant habit. It will bloom nonstop on your patio this summer or in your perennial flower bed. It is hardy to Zone 5 […]
‘Short and Sassy’ Helenium (Sneezeweed)
Sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale) is a bee/butterfly friendly perennial that blooms heavily from mid-summer into early fall. Helenium (“sneezeweed”) does not cause hayfever or irritate sinus passages. The genus Helenium is named for Helen of Troy. Its dried leaves were once crunched to make a snuff to promote sneezing. This tough prairie native thrives in full […]
Cardinal Flower Attracts Hummingbirds and Butterflies
With their vibrant red colored blooms in July and August and a strong vertical growth habit, you visually can’t miss with our native cardinal flowers (Lobelia cardinalis) (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). Hummingbirds and butterflies won’t pass them by either. Cardinal flowers are also called scarlet lobelias. Their vibrant red single raceme flowers single them out […]