Most gardeners have never heard of deutzias (Deutzia spp.) which is very unfortunate. There are many species of deutzias. They bloom in spring and grow into many shapes and sizes. Slender Deutzia (Deutzia gracilis) is a small densely branched deciduous shrub with upright to slightly arching branching (USDA zones 5-8). […]
Archive for the ‘Aphids’ Category
Patio Peach Blooms In Early Spring
For small garden spaces patio peach (Prunus persica) is a gem. This miniature tree bears long narrow lush green (or reddish) foliage. Site selection is crucial to ward off potential disease and insect problems. Patio peach is a genetic dwarf and may be grown in a large container on your deck or patio. Tree height averages 6-8 feet tall […]
Three Easy Care Foliage Plants For Your Home
Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema), Dumbcane (Dieffenbachia), and Calthea (Calthea spp.) are three similar looking tropical house plants (USDA hardiness zones 8 through 11). Likely, you have seen these easy to grow foliage plants inside restaurants, shopping malls, offices, and at the public library. They grow in medium to low light areas of the home or […]
Growing Calamondin Orange
Calamondin (Citrofortunella mitis) hails from China and is hardy to 20 ºF in temperate regions. It prospers outdoors in Florida, central and southern Texas, and Southern California gardens. Its sweetly fragrant flowers develop into edible ornamental fruits beginning in late fall. Small 1-2 inch diameter orange fruits are highly decorative as an indoor house plant. Calamondin can be […]
Purple Heart Tradescantia
Purple Heart tradescantia (Setcreasea pallida ‘Purple Heart’), formerly Tradescantia purpurea), is an annual trailing groundcover with purple stems and violet-purple foliage. This flowering vine is primarily grown for its vibrant foliage. Purple Heart is utilized in garden beds, large containers or hanging baskets. By summer’s end individual plants may grow 8-12 […]
Colorful Oleanders For Hot Summer Climes
Oleander (Nerium oleander) is an attractive evergreen shrub for warm climates. Indigenous to the Mediterranean region, it is popular in warm regions of the U.S., namely in western, coastal, and southern states (USDA hardiness zones 8-11). Oleander prefers moist, well-drained soil and a sunny landscape site. Established shrubs withstand dry and windy conditions along coastal areas. Brightly colored […]
Sooty Mold Is Symptom Of Aphid Feeding
Aphids are small (1 to 10 mm long) and pear shape. Infestations are often worse during wet cool days of spring; they are frequently feed on new growing shoots and leaves. Actively growing weeds also harbor aphids and may migrate over to favorite garden plants. Summer feeding aphids should never […]
Many New Beebalm Cultivars Continue to Roll Out
Bee balms, aka bergamots or Oswego tea (Monarda spp.) are native to eastern North America (USDA hardiness zones 4-9). Plants are easy to grow, bloom beautifully, and multiply rapidly. They are treasured for their raging colored flowers and medicinal properties. Numerous bee pollinators as well as butterflies and hummingbirds favor the summer blooms. The native […]
Million Bells (Calibrachoa)
Among gardeners “million bells” or “callies” are common names for calibrachoas (Calibrachoa x), spring-summer-fall flowering annuals; they’re closely relative of petunias (Petunia spp.). Low spreading plants are blanketed with small petunia-like flowers from spring until frost. Blooms hold up well to rain showers and do not need to be deadheaded. Plants are heat-tolerant and disease […]
Fruit Gardening In Containers
Great packaging along with exciting breeding has ignited interest in growing small fruits in containers. In recent years the BrazelBerries™ fruits have become popular at garden centers. Brazelberries is the creation of the Brazelton family of Fall Creek Farm & Nursery, Inc. in Oregon, who have been propagating and growing berry plants since the 1970’s. Their […]