Archive for the ‘Mealy bugs’ Category

Fine Tuning Growing Calamondin Orange In The Home

Calamondin orange (Citris mitis) is challenging to grow in a home environment. It is hardy to 20°F., more than most other true citrus (USDA hardiness zone 8). It does not grow well in temperatures below 45ºF. In temperate regions calamondin spends the active growing months (May – October) outdoors either in direct sunlight (in northern areas) and in half day shade (in […]

House Plant Basic Care Tips

  Tropical house plants decorate homes, restaurants, shopping malls, and work environments (USDA hardiness zones 8 through 11). Many will grow in medium to low light areas of your home, work, and where flowering plants do not perform. Here are some basic house plant tips: They languish in areas where temperatures are below 55 °F. […]

Peace Lily And Anthurium Plants Around Home Or Office

            Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) and anthurium are near perfect foliage plants in poorly lit areas around your home or office. They’re native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. Both plants are shade-lovers in their native habitats. Direct sunlight for more than one hour will likely burn leaves. They’re members […]

Three Easy Care Foliage Plants For Your Home

  Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema), Dumbcane (Dieffenbachia), and Calthea (Calthea spp.) are three similar looking  tropical house plants (USDA hardiness zones 8 through 11). Likely, you have seen these easy to grow foliage plants inside restaurants, shopping malls, offices, and at the public library. They grow in medium to low light areas of the home or […]

Growing Calamondin Orange

Calamondin (Citrofortunella mitis) hails from China and is hardy to 20 ºF in temperate regions. It prospers outdoors in Florida, central and southern Texas, and Southern California gardens. Its sweetly fragrant flowers develop into edible ornamental fruits beginning in late fall. Small 1-2 inch diameter orange fruits are highly decorative as an indoor house plant. Calamondin can be […]

Care Of Staghorn Ferns

  Staghorn fern (Platycerium bifercatum) is an epiphyte from the forests of Africa, Australia, and Southeast Asia. In temperate regions, it is a popular house plant. In their natural habitat, it prefers to grow attached to tree trunks or rock outcroppings for support. It draws no nutrients from the tree. Two very different types of fronds (leaves) […]