Archive for the ‘Pests’ Category

Add A Little Muscle To Your Landscape

Underutilized and underappreciated. That’s American hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana), aka ironwood or muscle wood. It grows primarily in moist, slightly acid soils along woodland rivers and streams. Our native hornbeam possesses the ability to adapt to a range of landscape situations. It grows equally well in full sun or partial shade. Its dark green summer foliage is rarely troubled […]

Deer Don’t Feed On Plum Yews

Plum yews (Cephalotaxus harringtonia) are evergreen needle conifers which flourish in the heat and humidity of the Southeastern U.S. (USDA hardiness zones 6-9). Likely, the groundcover forms are hardier to zone 5-b if protected by snow cover or surrounding vegetation from dry winter winds. Plum yews are native to China, Korea and Japan. Many people […]

Emerald Ash Borer And Others Are Spreading – Don’t Transport Firewood

  Moving firewood across county or state lines may also distribute serious insect pests hundreds of miles. For whatever reasons that the tree(s) were cut down in your yard, insects (including termites) may be hiding inside the logs. They may remain alive for a long time. Over the past decade three serious exotic insect pests have been identified […]

Muhly Grass Pink Color Emblazens The Autumn Season

For most of the season Muhly grass (Muhlenbergia capillaris) grows pretty much unnoticed. Muhly exhibits a semi- erect growth habit, 3-4 feet in height and 3-4 feet in spread.  Walking past a pink billowy inflorescences of Muhly on a brisk sunny October morning is nothing short of “wow”. For 10- 12 weeks, from early September thru late November, a pink haze arises […]

‘Hot Lips’ Turtlehead – A Late Summer Flowering Native

Turtlehead (Chelone spp.) is a U.S. native. Turtle-head shaped flowers appear in August and September. The 1 inch flowers open from bottom to top along the stem (s). Colors vary from bright white, creamy white, and white tinged with pink (depending on species and cultivar grown). Pink turtlehead (C. lyonii ) is native to the Southern […]

Yellow Nutsedge Control Is In Your Hands

Yellow nutsedge, aka “nutgrass” (Cyperus esculentus) is a nasty weed found in lawn and garden areas. It is a sedge, and not a grass, and methods of eliminating it vary. Yellow nutsedge is easily identified by its yellow to light green glossy leaves and the triangular shape of the stem. It grows most actively during […]

Promising Hemlock Adelgid Research

Proper care of hemlock trees is important for their survival. Hot dry summer weather appears to slow population growth. During periods of severe drought, shallow rooted hemlock trees should be irrigated. Prune dead and dying branches from trees to promote new growth. Also, limit the amount of nitrogen fertilizers to hemlock(s), as it promotes heavier […]

Pest Update – More Pesticide Options Available Against Hemlock Adelgid

You may be able to prevent or save tree and shrub hemlock(s) from woolly adelgid. This serious pest has two generations per year. The first generation hatches in March and April from overwintering adults (as many as 300 eggs per adult) in white cottony masses on the small twigs. The crawlers (nymphs) hatch and feed in […]

Sapsucker Feeding May Blacken Maple Trunks

You see or hear a sapsucker tapping in a yard tree and pay little attention to it. The bird perforates the tree or shrub trunk and main branches with numerous shallow holes, similar to a riveter working with sheet metal. A sapsucker feeds on the cambium sap and on insects under the bark. The holes are deep […]

‘Fireworks’ Pennisetum

Fountain grasses are popular annual grasses that thrive in Southern Appalachian gardens (USDA zones 6 and 7). The new cultivar ‘Fireworks’ is totally spectacular. The mid-vein of the grass blade is burgundy red and edged in hot pink. Fireworks displays three seasons of awesome foliage color before dying off in the fall. Red plume foxtail flowers bloom […]