Fertilizing tips for your house plants vary according to the individual plant’s need, home or greenhouse environment, and the season of the year. Key elements that house plants require are nitrogen, phosphorus (P) and potassium or potash (K). With few exceptions, tropical plants are low constant feeders, meaning using a water soluble fertilizer such as Miracle-Gro™, Schultz™ […]
Archive for the ‘Regional’ Category
Lipstick Plant (Vine) – Lovely Flowering House Plant
Nothing brightens up a room more than a flowering plant. One of my favorites is lipstick plant or lipstick vine (Aeschynanthus spp.), a close relative of the African violet. The green leaf form A. radicans is very popular with shiny dark green leaves and orange, pink, purple flowering varieties. Lipstick plant is a free bloomer, […]
Uniquely Different Red Dragon™ Contorted Filbert
Uniquely Different ‘Red Dragon’ Contorted Filbert European filbert or hazelnut (Corylus avellana) is native to Europe, western Asia and northern Africa where it is often found growing in thickets and hedgerows. Red Dragon™ filbert is an outstanding red leaf selection of contorted filbert (C. avellana Red Dragon™). This unique landscape shrub grows 6 – 8 […]
Anise (Illicium) Shrubs Coming To Mid-South Gardens
There is lots of interest in this shrub group. Anise shrubs (Illicium spp.) are fast growing, evergreen shrubs (USDA zones 7 to 10). They exhibit a multi-stemmed, upright, compact growth habit. The green foliage of Florida anise (I. floridanum) is quite attractive and aromatic, smelling similar to anise spice when crushed. Their shiny, leathery leaves are […]
New ‘Chastity’ Ornamental Pear
Before you totally give up on ornamental pear trees (Pyrus calleryana) as invasive, a decision that I would never argue against, take a look at the new Chastity pear. NEW! NEW! NEW! on the market is Chastity pear, a triploid hybrid that is both very ornamental and highly infertile (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). Chastity™ Pear was specifically […]
Short Forms Of Cryptomerias
Japanese cedar, aka Sugi or Cryptomeria, (Cryptomeria japonica) is the national tree of Japan and also flourishes in China (USDA hardiness zones 5 to 8). It is one of the most variable conifers ranging from very dwarf rounded shrubs to large tree forms with golden or contorted leaves. It tolerates hot humid summers and prefers […]
There Is Nothing “Minor” About These Bulbs
Companion bulbs, often called “minor bulbs”, are early signs that spring is coming. Three of the most reliable are snowdrops, winter aconites and Glory of the snow. They bloom before crocus in winter. Winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) returns with floral beauty less than three months after planting. Plants poke through the ground, grow and flower 3 to 6 […]