Drs. William L. Ackerman with the USDA (deceased) developed bred a series of interspecific crosses between C. oleifera and C. sasanqua, C. hiemalis, or C. vernalis selections. Many, not all, are identified as the Winter series because they bloom in the fall into very early winter. Dr. Clifford […]
Archive for the ‘Regional’ Category
Support Tomato Plants
University research demonstrates that yields are lower for staked tomatoes. Staking tomatoes is not absolutely necessary, but harvesting tomatoes on the ground becomes more difficult. Dirt and disease blemishes on fruits laying on the ground necessitate grading, cleaning, and disposing of culls. Most tall growing indeterminate varieties are best supported off the ground in some manner to prevent […]
‘Biokova’ Cranesbill Dependable Year-Round Ground Cover
Biokova is not a new geranium, aka cranesbill (Geranium x cantebrigiense ‘Biokova’). Its exceptional landscape performance has earned the 2015 Perennial Plant of the Year designation. Cranesbills are highly dependable perennial ground cover for partial sun to partial shade landscape sites (USDA hardiness zones 5-8). Among the better choices of cranesbills, ‘Biokova’ has proven exceptionally reliable here […]
Positive Facts About Tree Of Heaven
Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is a hated tree and tagged noxious and invasive across the U.S. (USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8). This aggressive species is indigenous to China and seems almost without limits as to where it takes root across the U.S. It has numerous nicknames, including “trash can tree”. It is the […]
Tree Of Heaven Grows Almost Everywhere (Unfortunately)
Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is one of the most aggressive trees on planet Earth (USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8). This large tree, indigenous to China, was introduced in North America in 1748 and brought to New York City in 1820 as a street tree and a food source for silkworm caterpillars. The tree […]
2015-16 Hosta Awards Announced
Chosen by American Hosta Growers*, the winners are… 2015 Hosta of the Year Victory is an impressive plant. It forms giant vase-shaped clumps with large, shiny leaves with green centers and margins that change from greenish yellow in the spring to creamy white by early summer. Victory is big hosta that grows 30 inches high […]
Winter Blooming Flowering Apricot
Flowering apricot (Prunus mume) is native to southeastern Asia(USDA hardiness zones 6-8). It is primarily grown for its mid to late winter bloom of pink flowers. This small 15-20 feet tall tree grows in average well-drained, acidic soils in full sun to partial shade. Avoid planting in heavy or wet soils. Most abundant flowering occurs in full sun. In the […]
Take A Second Look At Canadian Hemlock
Canadian hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) is a native evergreen species which is available in many forms: prostrate, globose, weeping, fastigiate and variegated (USDA Hardiness Zones 3-7). Its tremendous versatility as a hedging tree or shrub in planting sites is also a great reason to continue to include hemlock in the landscape. Hemlock may […]
Mt. Cuba Center Evaluates Heuchera (Coralbells) Cultivars
Over the past quarter century, gardeners have enjoyed the wonderful heuchera revolution (USDA hardiness zones 4-9). A great many hybrid cultivars have been introduced with more arriving every spring. Unfortunately, the flood of new cultivars has given us a huge number of poor selections. As I talk with […]