Archive for the ‘Regional’ Category

What Roses Need

              A goal of most rose gardeners (rosarians) is to grow them almost maintenance free. The improved shrub roses introduced almost two decades ago have brought this too reality. Rose series such as Knockout®, Home Run®, Drift®, OSO Easy®, Carefree® and Meidiland™ are among the best. No matter the pedigree of the rose, selecting a […]

Blue Atlas Cedar Becoming Very Popular In Urban Landscape

Blue Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica ) hails from the Atlas Mountains in northern Morocco and Algeria (USDA hardiness zone 6). The cultivar ‘Glauca’ has been the popular choice because of its blue green foliage. Blue Atlas grows to 40-60 feet in height, but individuals over 70 feet are hard to find. Mature forms, those 50 […]

Many Shapes and Sizes Of Cryptomerias

  Japanese cedar, aka cryptomeria, (Cryptomeria japonica) is the national tree of Japan and is also indigenous to China (USDA hardiness zones 5 to 8).  Cryptomeria cultivars vary greatly from very dwarf to rounded shrubs to large tree forms. Needle-like foliage may be dark green, medium green, golden or contorted leaves. Cryptomerias tolerate hot humid summers and […]

Is Your Tree A Hazard?

    Is a dangerous tree lurking in your yard, ready to tumble down on your house or car?  A well shaped landscape tree with a full canopy (top) and undergoes a safety checkup every 3-5 years is rarely at risk. When the weather forecaster is predicting a  hurricane or an ice storm, it’s generally too late to call a local […]

Beware Of Short-Lived And Overly Aggressive Plants

                  Gardening does involve some work, sometimes a lot more if you select the wrong plants. A good purchase may even reduce annual maintenance. Some of them are beautifully tempting at the garden center. Non-hardy woody trees and shrubs often sold by box store garden centers. For example, it […]

Determining A Plant’s Cold Hardiness

On-line nursery catalogs and plant labels at garden centers list the hardiness of the trees, shrubs, vines, and perennials that they sell. Many years ago the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) developed the hardiness rating scale based on geographic location from northern Canada to southern Mexico. Most U.S. gardeners live within Zones 3 to 11. Don’t know […]

Nellie R. Stevens Holly

  Hollies and the winter season work well together. Female hollies with bright red fruits (yellow-fruited forms also) contrast with their glossy evergreen foliage. ‘Nellie R. Stevens’ holly (NRS), a female form, is a cross between English (Ilex aquifolium) and Chinese (I. cornuta) hollies. NRS is the popular holly choice in Southern landscapes (USDA hardiness zones 6 to 9). Hollies are dioecious, […]

Provide Space For Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar

Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) hails from the Atlas Mountains in northern Morocco and Algeria (USDA hardiness zone 6-9). ‘Glauca Pendula’ is a popular weeping form with blue green needle foliage. It is found in limited quantities at full service garden centers. Mature forms of weeping blue atlas cedars take up lots of space. When young its natural weeping form perform as a […]

All About Mulches

                Mulches aid in retaining soil moisture and reducing weeding chores. Over the years organically-based mulches gradually improve garden soils. Organic mulches are basically recycled bark, branches, twigs and leaves (including needles). Frequently they are organic by-products from the logging industry. Grass clippings and straw are also mulch sources. Hay is usually  full […]

Conifers For Poorly Drained Soils

Before planting conifers in your landscape, it’s absolutely important to know the drainage (percolation rate) of the soil, particularly if it is clay-based. Most conifers prefer well-drained sandy and clay loam soils. To determine your soil type and rate of drainage, try the “hole test” recommended by Virginia Tech University horticulturists. Dig a hole approximately one foot deep […]