Milkweeds, aka butterfly weed (Asclepias spp.), are the favorite food of the Monarch butterfly. Farmers and most gardeners rate them as a noxious weeds. They’re commonly spotted growing along roadsides or in unplowed ground (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). Milkweeds average 3 feet in height, but may vary from 2-6 feet depending on species. Most species […]
Archive for the ‘Regional’ Category
Doghobble for Shady Landscape Areas
Mountain doghobble (Leucothoe fontanesiana) is native to woodland areas in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA zones 6 and 7). Florida coast leucothoe (L. axillaris) is another regional favorite, native from Virginia south to Florida. Over time it grow tall, usually 3-4 feet high as a rambling ground cover. Every 3 to 4 years hand pruning […]
Allium ‘Millennium’ Outstanding Summer Blooming Ground Cover
Allium ‘Millennium’ is a rhizomatous type allium (onion) introduced by plant breeder Mark McDonough over a decade ago (USDA hardiness zones 5-8). In nursery catalogs it is sometimes listed Allium nutans‘Millennium’. Fleshy strap-like 12-inch long glossy green foliage emits a slight oniony smell when crushed. ‘Millennium’ is a rhizomatous (clump growing) long-lived perennial. Individual plants […]
How Hardy Is Chinese Fringe Flower (Loropetalum)
Loropetalum or Chinese fringe flower (Loropetalum chinensis) has clearly caught on with professional landscapers and gardeners (USDA hardiness zones 7 thru 9). It is rated as marginally hardy in northerly zones 6-b, and has succeeded in consecutive mild winters in the past decade. The winter of 2014 had killed some established plants to the ground, […]
Preventing Powdery Mildew Disease On Summer Plants
Powdery mildews are serious fungal leaf diseases infecting many garden plants. Each one is host specific. The powdery mildew that attacks summer phlox does not infect zinnias or pumpkin vines. Powdery mildew disease on crape myrtles does not attack lilacs or roses. In recent years new powdery mildew diseases have popped up on dogwoods and […]
Sweetbay Magnolia
Sweetbay, aka laurel magnolia, (Magnolia virginiana) is a U.S. native tree. This small to medium-sized native species often 20-30 feet tall and 15-20 feet wide as a large shrub or multi-stemmed small tree. Finding a 50-60 feet sweetbay near by a lake or pond near where you live is not unusual (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). […]
Rooguchi Clematis: Let It Ramble
Combine two popular garden trends: climbing vines and vertical gardening. Vines may grow on a trellis or allow them to weave through an existing shrub or tree. In a small garden this can be a space saver. In the world of clematis, the cultivar Rooguchi, aka Roguchi, (Clematis integrifolia x C. reticulata) has become increasingly […]
Roseshell Azalea Thrives In Cool Mountain Woodlands
Roseshell azalea (Rhododendron prinophyllum, formerly R. roseum) is native from New England, a number of Midwestern states, south to Texas. In its natural habitat it is commonly grows on wooded, north-facing slopes, shaded ravines, or nearby a cool mountain stream. The plants are not stoloniferous. Roseshell azalea grows best in organically rich, acidic, well-drained, and […]
Enjoy Moonvine In The Evening Garden
Moonvine (Ipomoea alba)is a fast growing tropical vine. Its dark green heart shaped leaves stay clean and pest-free the entire growing season. Pure white 6-inch wide flowers open non-stop from early summer until frost. Each showy white flower lasts one day, opening in late afternoon and withering late the following morning. Plants may be purchased […]