Archive for the ‘Regional’ Category

Better Blackberry Varieties Available

Growing Blackberries Blackberries (Rubus spp.) are among the easiest fruit crops to grow in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA hardiness zones 5 and 7), but are not as hardy as raspberries. A blackberry planting has a productive life between 8-10 years. A sturdy trellis system, composed of strong posts and wire, will make harvest chores […]

‘Guacamole’ Hosta An Outstanding Garden Performer

Guacamole (Hosta plantaginea ‘Guacamole’) is rated one of the top performing hostas in the Northeast and mid-South U.S. gardens. Guacamole is a hybrid and one of its parents is H. plantaginea ‘Fragrant Bouquet’. In 2002 it was selected Hosta of the Year by the American Hosta Society. Guacamole is a medium-sized hosta. It matches its […]

Aster ‘Raydon’s Favorite’ Is Spectacular Autumn Bloomer

Aster Raydon’s Favorite (Symphyotrichum oblongifolium ‘Raydon’s Favorite’) is one of our most reliable native perennial asters. This aromatic aster blooms in mid-autumn, covered with 1 ½ inch wide blue-purple daisy-like flowers with yellow centers. Butterflies and bumble bees are frequent visitors to this aster in my October garden. Night temps in the mid-twenties don’t injure […]

Heirloom Mums Are Back!

Bring back heirloom or “old-fashioned” mum varieties into your autumn garden! These varieties tend to bloom very late in the fall and tend to be hardier (USDA hardiness zone 5). Four of the best heirlooms are: ‘Clara Curtis’ – deep pink, daisy-like blooms ‘Mary Stoker’- peachy yellow blooms ‘Sheffield’ (aka ‘Sheffield Pink’) – light pink […]

Fall Is Great Time To Renovate Your Lawn

Is your lawn nothing but bare spots, thatch, and weeds? Late summer and fall is an ideal period to reduce thatch build-up and repair dead lawn areas. Thatch is composed of old grass clippings, e.g. leaf and stem debris not decomposed. By aerating the soil and removing thatch, you will improve soil water absorption and […]

Seeds One Year…Weeds For Eight Years

Most weed invasions happen when you let the weeds get past you. If you don’t let them flower, they won’t reproduce (seed-in). Frequent mowing or a sharp machete may delay their ability to flower and seed. This is only a temporary solution. Some weeds flower and seed below the mower’s cut. Examples are common lawn […]

Daylilies Not Blooming?

Gardeners become disappointed when their daylilies (Hemerocallis spp.) are not bloom. There may be reasons for this including: old clumps in need of dividing, inadequate nutrition, too much nitrogen fertilizer, too much shade, and pest and disease issues. Daylilies may be shaded or crowded out by overgrown trees, shrubs, ground covers, or weeds. Heavy amounts […]

Labor Day Holiday Begins Home Lawn Recovery

Hopefully, summer’s extreme heat, drought, and in some areas flooding, are about over. Late summer and fall are opportune times to start a new or renovate your home lawn. Rainfall is usually plentiful and cooler day-night temperatures should spur a rapid grass recovery. Your current lawn may be mostly bare ground with lots of weeds. […]

Arrowwood Viburnum Very Tough U.S. Native Shrub

Arrowwood Viburnum (Viburnum dentatum) is an easy to grow deciduous shrub that handles most landscape conditions, including soil types (USDA hardiness zones 5 to 8). It grows best in full sun and in a well-drained soil. Clusters of tiny, creamy-white flat-topped flowers appear from late spring into summer. A bountiful crop of dark blue berries […]

Divide Irises In Late Summer

Irises (Iris spp.) are beloved spring flowering perennials. Perhaps some fans and clumps flowered poorly this spring. There are several reasons for this, including: old clumps in need of dividing, weather issues, poorly drained soil, inadequate nutrition, too much nitrogen fertilizer, heavy shade, and pest and disease problems. Irises do not compete well for space […]