Once upon a time pearlbush (Exochorda spp.) was a popular old-fashioned spring flowering shrub. Its flurry of white flowers followed forsythia in early spring bloom cycle (USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8, excel in 7 & 8). New on the garden scene is ‘Blizzard’ (E. x […]
Archive for the ‘Container growing’ Category
Fruit Gardening In Containers
Great packaging along with exciting breeding has ignited interest in growing small fruits in containers. In recent years the BrazelBerries™ fruits have become popular at garden centers. Brazelberries is the creation of the Brazelton family of Fall Creek Farm & Nursery, Inc. in Oregon, who have been propagating and growing berry plants since the 1970’s. Their […]
Autumn/Winter Garden Dressup
It’s fall and many gardeners take leave of their garden until spring. Autumn is a great time to create new color schemes that will carry over into the winter garden. It’s just like spring all over again! Frost hardy flowering plants get their turn, such as pansies, violas, snapdragons, and diascias (USDA Hardiness zone 7), […]
‘Tamukeyama’ Japanese Maple One Of The Best
Tamukeyama Japanese maple (Acer palmatum ‘Tamukeyama’) is a long-lived botanical treasure (USDA hardiness zones 5-8). Tamukeyama is a short 6-8 feet tall multi-stemmed deciduous tree. It grows slightly taller and its foliage tolerates hot summer sun better than ‘Crimson Queen’. Tamukeyama grows best in full sun to partial shade. It prefers moist well-drained soil and […]
Mexican Sunflowers Thrive In A Hot Summer
Mexican sunflower (Tithonia rotundiloba) is a fast growing annual that produces vivid orange-red zinnia-like flowers from early summer to autumn frost. It is native to Mexico and Central America. Dark green leaves remain blemish-free all summer long. Snails and slugs are occasional pests during wet summers or when irrigated overhead. Plants grow 3-4 feet tall […]
‘Going Bananas’ Daylily Blooms Continuously
‘Going Bananas’ is an extended-blooming daylily. This diploid cultivar flowers a three month long continuous blooming cycle (rather than stopping and starting again) from early summer into fall. Each bloom stays open longer, at least 16 hours per day. Each trumpet-shaped flower opens wider, a new genetic trait in daylilies. Going Bananas features slightly fragrant, […]
Hypearls® St. John’s Wort Worth The Hype
St. John’s Wort’s (Hypericum spp.) are terrific landscape shrubs and ground covers with bright yellow flowers in late spring and colorful berry fruits starting in late summer (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). Bees and birds are attracted to flowers and fruits respectively. Hypearls® are a new series of hypericums. Cultivars are available in four compact growing […]
Fall Is Spring Bulb Planting Time
If you love spring flowering tulips, daffodils and other spring-flowering bulbs, some planning and planting chores should be set into motion this fall. Spring flower bulbs should be planted when cool soil temperatures (below 55 °F) return. For gardeners living in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA hardiness zones 6 and 7), bulb planting begins in […]
Three New Hardy Fall Blooming Camellias
Three Zone 6 winter hardy camellias are becoming more available. A recent visit to a local camellia grower found these three fall bloomers: ‘Long Island Pink’, ‘Londontowne Blush’, and ‘Sweet October’ in full floral regalia. The first two are reliably hardy in USDA zone 6 and a third nearly so. ‘Long Island Pink’ was found […]
A Variegated Ornamental Grass Is ‘River Mist’ Sea Oats
River Mist Northern sea oats (Chasmanthium latifolium ‘River Mist’), formerly Uniola latifolia, is a recent plant introduction with striking green and white variegated foliage on slightly arching stems. River Mist grows shorter than the species, 30-36 inches tall and 24-36 inches wide. Northern sea oats is one of the more shade tolerant of the ornamental […]