Archive for the ‘Horse chestnut (Aesculus)’ Category

Deciduous Trees With Yellow Fall Leaf Color

While there are numerous trees that offer wonderful yellow fall foliage, some make extraordinary specimens in residential and park landscapes. Enjoy the beautiful yellow and gold tones on a crisp fall day.  Caveat: the quality of fall color may vary from year to year. Big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) – this West Coast Native grows 60-75 […]

Common Street and Landscape Trees

Across the U.S. and Canada, city planners, landscape architects, and property owners now enjoy a wide selection of landscape trees to plant on city streets, along roadsides, and in yards and gardens. Over the past half century new and improved varieties (cultivars) are disease and pest resistant and exhibit better branching and architecture. We now know to avoid […]

Tree Cultivars That Do Not Produce Seeds Or Fruits

Perhaps you don’t like picking up messy fruits and seeds from your lawn in the fall and winter. Choose landscape trees that have seedless cultivars. A true seedless variety is an easy choice to avoid fruit cleanup. Below are a few non-fruiting or seedless cultivars available at nurseries. Not all plants listed are recommended for all home […]