Archive for the ‘Small landscape tree’ Category

Next Generation Of Kousa Dogwoods

‘Scarlet Fire’ is a 2017 introduction from Rutgers University with 4-5 inch wide, fade-proof, dark pink floral bracts. This Kousa dogwood tree is also heat and drought tolerant and highly disease resistant. ‘Wolf Eyes’ is a compact tree (10-20 feet tall) or multi-branched shrub form; creamy white variegated foliage is scorch-resistant. Wolf Eyes flaunts eye-catching gray-green […]

Five Redbuds With Dynamite Seasonal Foliage

Here are five notable redbuds (Cercis canadensis) possessing colorful summer foliage. Of note, the first 3 of 5 varieties are the creation of noted plant breeder Dr. Dennis Werner of NC State University in Raleigh. Flame Thrower® has stunning eye-catching foliage color breakthrough in the world of redbuds. It is marketed as Eternal Flame® in Europe. […]

Uniqely Different Chinese Quince

Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis) is an under-utilized small 10-20 feet tall deciduous tree or large shrub with a dense oval crown (USDA hardiness zones 5-8). Initially, it starts out a slow grower for 1-2 years to establish its roots. Throughout the year, it provides several months of landscape charm that includes an attractive form, large […]

Hawthorn Trees In The Landscape

The world of hawthorns (Crataegus spp.) includes several outstanding landscape trees that exhibit four-season ornamental interest: 1. spring flowering, 2. disease-free summer foliage, 3. variable fall leaf color, and 4. colorful fruits for wildlife in the fall and winter months. World-wide, hawthorns are native to temperate regions of North America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa, […]

Summer Blooming Amur Maackia

Amur maackia (Maackia) is a small deciduous tree with a broad, rounded canopy. Typically, it grows in cultivation at a slow-to-moderate rate to a height of 20-30 feet (to 60 feet in wild). This compact growing tree is an ideal fit in smaller landscapes. A botanical member of the Pea family (Fabaceae), it grows in […]

Ashe Magnolia

Ashe magnolia (Magnolia macrophylla subsp. Ashei) is a small 10-20 feet tree with enormous leaf and flower sizes (zone (5)6-9). Anindividual white flower measures 6- 12 inches across with a purple blotch at the base of 3 inner petal-like tepals. Ashe magnolia blooms in late May – early June in Tennessee. Many of the white […]

Fragrant Snowbell

Fragrant snowbell (Styrax obassia) is a small deciduous tree or large shrub that grows 20 to 30 feet tall (15-25 feet wide). It is indigenous to Japan, Korea, and Manchuria (USDA hardiness zones 5-8). Fragrant snowbell exhibits multi-season interest: spring flowering, showy fall leaf color, and an attractive bark. Fragrant, bell-shaped, white flowers (racemes) are […]

Growing Japanese Maples In Containers

Many slow-growing and compact cultivars of Japanese maples (Acer palmatum) and full moon forms (A. japonicum) grow for 3-5 years in containers. Japanese maples develop a decorative canopy, and their lacey foliage turns yellow, orange and/or red in autumn. Most Japanese maples perform well in partial to full day sunlight, but not in full shade. […]

Twenty Highly Dependable Small Landscape Trees

In small landscapes, where growing space is limited, a number of outstanding trees may be planted. Several are also examples of great spring or summer flowering trees. U.S. native species are designated N. Additional landscape traits include: Grow under 30 feet in height and underneath power lines). Winter hardiness across the U.S. (USDA hardiness zones […]

Claim Jumper™ Katsura Tree

In American gardens Katsura tree (Cercidiphyllum  japonicum) is a fine landscape tree that is becoming more popular. This small – medium – large tree (height depending on cultivar) offers four-seasons of interest. Katsura tree is indigenous to Japan and China where it can mature into an incredible 50-70 feet tall USDA hardiness zones 4-8). Numerous […]