Archive for the ‘Colocasia’ Category

‘Thailand Giant’ Elephant Ears A Tropical Wonder

In many areas of the U.S.’Thailand Giant’ elephant ears (Colocasia gigantea) is classified as an annual (USDA hardiness zone 8-10). It grows best in full to partial sunlight (6-hours minimum) and planted in a compost-rich well-drained garden soil or good container potting media. A young plant should be moved outdoors and brought back indoors when […]

Awaken Overwintering Tropical Plants

If you live in USDA zones 6 and 7, early March is usually the proper time to re-awaken containers of tender tropicals stored in your garage or moved in to join your house plants last fall. Likely, they’ve already begun to sprout.  Specifically, angel trumpets (Brugmansia spp.), elephant ears (Colocasia spp. and Alocasia spp.), cannas […]

Winter Storage of Non-Hardy Tropicals*

There is frost on your pumpkin. By late October, northern U.S. gardeners (USDA zones 3 thru 6) must protect non-hardy tropicals such as cannas (Canna spp.), bananas (Musa spp. and Ensete spp.), elephant ears (Colocasia spp. and Alocasia spp.) and angel trumpets (Brugmansia spp.). Most gardeners living in zone 7-b and further south have little […]