Archive for the ‘Elephant ears (Colocasia)’ Category

Creating A Tropical Look

Here are some ideas for designing a tropical landscape in your yard. Start with large leafy trees that are hardy in zones 6-7 include catalpa (Catalpa spp.), hickories (Carya spp.), some oaks (Quercus spp.), large leaf maple (Acer macrophylla), American sycamore (Platanus americana), American linden (Tilia americana), and Empress tree (Paulownia tomentosa). In zones 7-9 […]

Elephant Ears In Motion

Elephant ears (Colocasia esculenta) and their aroid cousins have become commonplace in not only hot, humid southern gardens, as well in temperate landscapes. Gardeners grow them in large containers and overwinter them indoors in a non-freezing environ. Also, my neighbors in zone 6 blanket in-ground plantings with several inches of loosely packed leaves overwinter. Colocasia […]

Planting A Tropical Look In Your Temperate Garden

This summer, whether you garden in Florida or Michigan, you can enjoy the tropical look in your garden with these 5 leafy plants, which are classified as “foliage annuals” because they are hardy in zones 10-12. Caricature Plant (Graptophyllum pictum) in its natural tropical habitat grows 6-9 feet tall, typically 4-5 feet tall in zone […]