Archive for the ‘Tropical Plants (non-hardy)’ Category

Care Of Staghorn Ferns

  Staghorn fern (Platycerium bifercatum) is an epiphyte from the forests of Africa, Australia, and Southeast Asia. In temperate regions, it is a popular house plant. In their natural habitat, it prefers to grow attached to tree trunks or rock outcroppings for support. It draws no nutrients from the tree. Two very different types of fronds (leaves) […]

‘Victory’ Chosen Hosta Plant Of The Year For 2015

The Hosta Growers Association has selected ‘Victory’ the Hosta of the Year for 2015 (USDA Zones 3–9). ‘Victory’ is a large hosta cultivar with gold edged variegated leaves and an upright vase-shaped plant habit. Victory hosta is a sport of H. nigrescens ‘Elatior’, distinctive also for its beautiful, upright form. Plant develops into a broad 3 – […]

Purple Heart Tradescantia

              Purple Heart tradescantia (Setcreasea pallida  ‘Purple Heart’), formerly Tradescantia purpurea), is an annual trailing groundcover with purple stems and violet-purple foliage. This flowering vine is primarily grown for its vibrant foliage. Purple Heart is utilized in garden beds, large containers or hanging baskets. By summer’s end individual plants may grow 8-12 […]

Persian Shield Offers Radiant Foliage Color

The iridescent purple foliage of Persian shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus) radiates in a warm summer garden in the U.S. Here it is treated as an annual (USDA hardiness zones 9-11). Persian shield is native to tropical Myanmar (formerly Burma), where it is a 3-4 feet tall soft-stemmed evergreen shrub or subshrub. In temperate regions it grows […]

Japanese Hydrangea Vine Worth The Wait

              Japanese hydrangea vine (Schizophragma hydrangoides) ‘Moonlight’ is a deciduous woody vine (USDA hardiness zone 5 to 8). It is closely related to climbing hydrangea vine (Hydrangea anomala ‘Petiolaris’). This ornate climbing vine is valued for its silvery, silvery-green, heart-shaped foliage and large, flat-topped, lace cap hydrangea-like clusters (8-10 […]

Red Abyssinian Banana For Tropical Looking Landscapes

                    Red Abyssinian banana (Ensete maurelii ‘Red Abyssinian’) is a tropical banana from high in the mountains of Ethiopia in eastern Africa. Its enormous reddish to purplish foliage and red – burgundy trunk adds a tropical presence to any garden. Compared to hardier banana genus Musa, Ensete does not produce root suckers […]

Basic Hosta Facts

Hostas are the most popular shade perennial in the U.S. They prefer a moist, compost-rich, well-drained soil. In northerly areas (USDA hardiness zones 4-5), where summers are cooler, most hardy cultivars grow in full sun. In warmer zones those in full sun must be irrigated frequently. Blue leaf cultivars look their best only in shady areas; the white waxy coating, responsible […]

Holiday Poinsettia Requires Basic Care

Gifts have been opened and a great dinner served. The holiday season may be waning, but your beautiful poinsettia plant (Euphorbia pulcherrima) will require some minimal care. Generally, the same weekly care that you provide your house plants will keep your poinsettia looking beautiful most of the winter. Here are some basic tips: Place poinsettia in bright natural light […]

Determining A Plant’s Cold Hardiness

On-line nursery catalogs and plant labels at garden centers list the hardiness of the trees, shrubs, vines, and perennials that they sell. Many years ago the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) developed the hardiness rating scale based on geographic location from northern Canada to southern Mexico. Most U.S. gardeners live within Zones 3 to 11. Don’t know […]

Enjoy Moonvine In The Evening Garden

Moonvine (Ipomoea alba)is a fast growing tropical vine. Its dark green heart shaped leaves stay clean and pest-free the entire growing season. Pure white 6-inch wide flowers open non-stop from early summer until frost. Each showy white flower lasts one day, opening in late afternoon and withering late the following morning. Plants may be purchased […]