Archive for the ‘Tropical Plants (non-hardy)’ Category

Variegated Tapioca Plant Thrives In The Summer Heat

Add some tropical flair to your garden with variegated tapioca plant (Manihot esculenta ‘Variegata’), aka Cassava. Variegated tapioca is a spectacular foliage plant (zone 8 – 11) which excels as summer’s heat and humidity arrives and lingers. Tapioca plant is not likely to be sold in every garden center and you’ll likely need to order one or more on-line. […]

Awaken Overwintering Tropical Plants

If you live in USDA zones 6 and 7, early March is usually the proper time to re-awaken containers of tender tropicals stored in your garage or moved in to join your house plants last fall. Likely, they’ve already begun to sprout.  Specifically, angel trumpets (Brugmansia spp.), elephant ears (Colocasia spp. and Alocasia spp.), cannas […]

Start Up A Sleeping Amaryllis

Back in the fall, your amaryllis bulb was pushed into dormancy by withholding all watering. In the weeks that followed, the foliage turned yellow and withered. You cleaned off the dried leaves and stored the potted bulb at 34 to 42 °F for the winter, not allowing it to freeze. After a minimum of eight weeks, […]

Re-Potting Indoor Plants

  The golden rule for house plant care is to repot them once a year. Times of seasonal change signal the best opportunity for repotting most house plants. September starts a slowdown and March (late February) a re-awakening period for your house plants. Most, but not all plants, should be re-potted in one of these periods.   Purchase a […]

Phalaenopsis Orchids Easy To Grow

At one time, growing orchids was a hobby that only rich doctors, lawyers and fictional detectives could afford. Today, the very affordable “moth orchids” (Phalaenopsis spp.) are commonly available at supermarkets and big hardware chain stores at reasonable prices. They’re easy to grow and produce large showy flowers which bloom for two or more months. Moth […]

Get Past The Winter Blahs With Paperwhite Narcissus

  A wonderful, easy indoor gardening project this winter is to start a dish (pot) of paperwhite narcissus (Narcissus tazetta). Paperwhites make a lovely white centerpiece on your dining table. Paperwhite bulbs are outdoor hardy in USDA hardiness zones 8 – 10.  Store the bulbs in a warm dry location such as on top of a refrigerator until you’re […]

Grow And Re-bloom Christmas Cactus

Holiday cacti, aka Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) and Christmas cactus (S. x buckleyi ), are popular houseplants which grow (and re-bloom)for many years with good care. Christmas cactus has rounded (scalloped) stem segments while Thanksgiving cactus has 2-4 pointed teeth paired along each segment edge. The latter blooms 3-4 weeks earlier than Christmas cactus and […]

New Poinsettia Varieties Make Your Holidays Bright

                          Poinsettia is a gift which keeps on giving. Many gardeners save and nurture their plant to  re-bloom again over the next winter holiday season. By early February the plant has likely dropped most of its bottom leaves and flower bracts. Cut back the bare stems by two-thirds […]

Winter Storage of Non-Hardy Tropicals*

There is frost on your pumpkin. By late October, northern U.S. gardeners (USDA zones 3 thru 6) must protect non-hardy tropicals such as cannas (Canna spp.), bananas (Musa spp. and Ensete spp.), elephant ears (Colocasia spp. and Alocasia spp.) and angel trumpets (Brugmansia spp.). Most gardeners living in zone 7-b and further south have little […]