Archive for the ‘Fragrant’ Category

Repel Deer And Rabbits

We live at a time that deer population numbers have grown out of control in many areas of the U.S. The internet lists plants that “DEER DON’T EAT”. However, deer have not read these lists, and secondly, a starving deer will eat just about anything. An adult deer may eat 5-6 pounds of plant material […]

Houseplants Improve Your Home Atmosphere

Houseplants decorate as well as clean the air at work and in homes or apartments, particularly when windows are closed over the winter months. Doctors tell us that an environment filled with lots of plants help to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve mind function, particularly our ability to concentrate. Here are six easy […]

Coast Leucothoe a Better Choice

Compared to other doghobble species, coast leucothoe or doghobble (Leucothoe axillaris) is a best choice for Southern U.S. landscapes (USDA zones 6 -9). This species is native to open woodland areas of the Southeastern U.S. The species grows along woodland slopes usually nearby a water source. However, its roots do not tolerate perennially damp ground. Doghobbles are […]

Six Architecturally Tall Perennials

Here are six showy architectural gems to grow in your garden. All six are “big guys” and are valued for their bold presence, disease-free foliage, and their attractive flowers, that are also great pollinators. Queen of the Prairie (Filipendula rubra) is a U.S. native perennial that mimics an astilbe on steroids. This tall, upright, clump-forming […]

Seven Late Summer Perennial Gems

The following seven (7) perennials provide gorgeous floral color in mixed perennial beds in late summer and into fall. Flowers attract pollinators, including lots of bees, butterflies, and an occasional hummingbird. ‘Blue Fortune’ Giant Hyssop (Agastache x ‘Blue Fortune’) offers lavender-blue flowers during a long hot summer extending into early fall. Leaves emit a minty-anise […]

Queen Of The Prairie Or Meadowsweet

Q “Tall and pretty spectacular” very much describes Queen of the prairie (Filipendula rubra) (USDA hardiness zones 3 to 8). Twelve species comprise this genus of U.S. perennials (USDA hardiness zones 3-8). Best known species are meadowsweet (F. ulmaria).dropwort (F. vulgaris), both native to Europe, and queen-of-the-forest (F. occidentalis) and queen-of-the-prairie (F. rubra), both native […]

The Mountain Mints – The Pollinators’ Favorite

Mountain mints (Pycnanthemum spp.) are clump-forming native perennials. They typically grow 1-3 feet tall depending on species (USDA hardiness zones 4 – 8). About 20 species of mountain mints are found in the southeastern U.S. As their name suggests, they belong to the mint family, very evident by their square stems and aromatic leaves when […]

February Blooming Hybrid Witchhazels

Witchhazels (Hamamelis spp.) are somewhat coarse, loosely-branched, medium to large, deciduous shrubs that typically grow 12-20 feet tall. (USDA hardiness zones 5-8). They are particularly noted for their strapped shape, often fragrant, mid- to late winter flowers which appear before the spring leaves emerge. Five cultivars were selected by Mr. Tim Brotzman, an Ohio nurseryman […]

Ten Stars Of The Winter Landscape

Here are 10 reliable plants that shine in my Tennessee garden (Zone 6-b) during the winter season: Witchhazels (Hamamelis spp.) –two species bloom in winter: (a). Vernal witchhazel (H. vernalis) blooms in mid- to late- January (zones 4-8). (b). Chinese witchhazel hybrids (H. x intermedia) dominate the month of February into March. – deciduous, large […]

Anise (Illicium) Shrubs Coming To Mid-South Gardens

There is lots of interest in this shrub group. Anise shrubs (Illicium spp.) are fast growing,  evergreen shrubs (USDA zones 7 to 10). They exhibit a multi-stemmed, upright, compact growth habit. The green foliage of Florida anise (I. floridanum) is quite attractive and aromatic, smelling similar to anise spice when crushed. Their shiny, leathery leaves are […]