Archive for the ‘Ground cover’ Category

Christmas Fern

Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) is an evergreen native fern that grows tough as nails. This native fern, also called the Christmas dagger fern, is indigenous to much of eastern North America; it grows in every U.S. state east of the Rocky Mountains (USDA hardiness zones 3 – 9). This durable fern has long been associated […]

Vines Worth Growing

Vines add a vertical dimension in your garden. With many vines, you don’t need to construct expensive arbors and trellises for them to climb. Borrowing an idea from nature, vines love to ramble or attach readily onto shrubs and trees. Some vines like periwinkle (Vinca minor) and English ivy (Hedera helix) make attractive ground covers […]

Recent PHS Gold Medal* Perennial Picks

Each year the Pennsylvania Horticulture Society (PHS) recognizes six outstanding plants that a group of nursery owners, horticulturists, expert gardeners, and professional growers singe out as among the best performing and most beautiful for inclusion into the Mid-Atlantic Region Gold Medal program. All seven perennials perform equally well in the mid-South (Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky and Northern Counties […]

Snowdrops (Galanthus)

Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) are one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring. Depending on the region where you live, snowdrops appear in the early days of spring; often snow still blankets the ground. Snowdrops are tiny plants (3 – 6 inches tall) that produce multiple small showy, white, bell-shaped flowers, which hangs off the ends […]

Planting Under Trees

Here is an idea that I picked up at Chanticleer Gardens in Wayne, Pennsylvania and pollinators will also love you for it. When planting a deciduous tree, make good use of the ground area beneath the tree by planting shade tolerant ground covers. Evergreen trees don’t work here. You can also create a beautiful planting […]

Creeping Jenny – Accent /Weed

Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’, aka creeping yellow loosestrife, golden moneywort, and several more colloquial names). It is an herbaceous, semi-evergreen perennial in the primrose (Primulaceae) family native to Europe (USDA hardiness zones 3-8). Introduced in North America this ornamental ground cover grows aggressively.  Be careful what you invite into your garden as this fast-growing plant […]

2023 Carex Evaluation From Mt Cuba

The native plant research team at Mt Cuba Center in Hockessin, DE has recently published the results of a 3-year Carex (sedge) study in which they evaluated 70 species and cultivars. The study included a number of under-planted Carex species and varieties. One grouping was grown in full sun and a second planting was tested […]

Colorful Bugleweed As A Groundcover

Bugleweed (Ajuga reptans), aka “carpetweed” and “carpet bugle”, is a fast-growing evergreen perennial ground cover in the Lamiaceae (mint) family. The species name “reptans” means creeping. It is native to Europe, northern Africa, and southwestern Asia. Cultivars are hardy in USDA hardiness zones 3-9 (unless otherwise noted). Most bugleweed cultivars demonstrate aggressive plant vigor that helps to […]

Western Sunflower

Western sunflower (Helianthus occidentalis) is actually native to eastern and central North America, not western North America (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). It is one of the shortest of the many sunflowers found in the U.S. You have seen this Midwest native growing in glades, prairies, dry meadows, fields and rocky open woodlands. It grows equally […]

Native Irises

In the World of Iris, U.S. gardeners are highly partial to planting Siberian (Iris sibirica) and German (I. germanica) irises. Currently, in recent years there has been a sway to our native species called “flag irises”. Top of the list is Crested iris (I. cristata), a low-growing, rapidly spreading species that typically 3-6 inches tall. […]