Archive for the ‘Ground cover’ Category

Western Sunflower

Western sunflower (Helianthus occidentalis) is actually native to eastern and central North America, not western North America (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). It is one of the shortest of the many sunflowers found in the U.S. You have seen this Midwest native growing in glades, prairies, dry meadows, fields and rocky open woodlands. It grows equally […]

Native Irises

In the World of Iris, U.S. gardeners are highly partial to planting Siberian (Iris sibirica) and German (I. germanica) irises. Currently, in recent years there has been a sway to our native species called “flag irises”. Top of the list is Crested iris (I. cristata), a low-growing, rapidly spreading species that typically 3-6 inches tall. […]

Heuchera ‘Melting Fire’

‘Melting Fire’ is a seed produced variety of heuchera (coral bells) from Kieft Seed, Inc., a division of Ball Hort. Seed-produced heucheras are something new as most current varieties were propagated from tissue culture. (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). In mid-spring Melting Fire forms a low mound (clump), 8-10 inches tall and 10-12 inches wide. New […]

Three Standout Pfitzer Junipers

Pfitzer junipers (Juniperus x pfitzeriana) are standouts in the winter landscape (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). Many varieties are utilized as groundcovers. Pfitzers are easy care, low maintenance plants when properly sited in full sun and well drained. Around coastal areas, pfitzers are moderately resistant to salt injury. Give pfitzers lots of space. Their plume-like evergreen […]

Bigroot Cranesbill

Bigroot Cranesbill (Geranium macrorrhizum) is a favorite, easy to grow plant that forms a dense weed-resistant ground cover with attractive foliage and flowers. (USDA zones 4 – 8). This “cranesbill” is a true perennial geranium. It is a rhizomatous semi-evergreen perennial, native to southern Europe, typically grows to 12 inches tall and to 24 inches or […]

Ten Native Flowering Vines

Trees and shrubs are not the only woody landscape plants to invite into your landscape. Check out these ten native vines. But first do some homework. Some of these vines grow aggressively which can mean more maintenance work for you. Vines are a part of the vertical landscaping trend. They are also space-savers. Native flowering […]

Passionflower Vine

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is a fast-growing, trailing vine that climbs via axillary tendrils. It is woody where winter climes are warm. In zone 5, the foliage dies back to the ground in cold winters. This summer-flowering vine is native to the southeastern U.S. where you see it growing habitat in sandy soils along stream banks, roadsides, woodland edges, […]

Silk Tassel Sedge

‘Silk Tassel’ Japanese sedge is an outstanding Japanese sedge cultivar of Carex morrowii temnolepis. It is ornamentally grown in shade areas for its narrow (1/8 inch wide) variegated foliage (USDA hardiness zones 5 to 9). This dense, grass-like clump grows 12 inches high and 1 to 1 ½ feet spread. Let’s start with an old […]

Heartleaf Iceplant (Aptenia)

The world of succulents is a treasure trove for many cool garden plants that attract many collectors, including house plant enthusiastics. Heartleaf iceplant (Aptenia cordifolia), also called Baby sun rose, is a non-hardy succulent or evergreen ground cover. This herbaceous subshrub is indigenous to South Africa and favors a Mediterranea- like climatic conditions (in USDA […]

Roof Iris in Springtime

Roof iris (Iris tectorum) is indigenous to China. This beardless iris is part of the crested iris group. Leaves stand 15 inches tall, fanned at the base and are ribbed.  The clean green fan-like leaves remain mostly blemish-free most of the growing season. Plants give rise to purple-blue flowers with white and darker purple flecks starting […]