Archive for the ‘Invasive species’ Category

Tree Diversity Important In Urban Parks And Streets

              In recent years urban tree diversity has become a buzz topic. The threat of losing entire street plantings to a deadly exotic disease or pest has to often become the reality. Nearly a century ago, urban tree-lined thoroughfares were laid bare by losses of American elms (Ulmus americana) and […]

What You Should Know About Herbicides

              By definition a weed is any plant that you don’t want in your garden. Herbicides are vegetation killers and  classified as a pesticide that kills weeds. When used incorrectly, herbicides may injure good plants as well. Always read and understand the package directions before using. In a lawn or garden, you may be trying […]

All About Thistles

                Some weeds are very nasty and on top of my list are the dreadful thistles. Learn the lifecycles of those in your region and the proper method to eliminate them. Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) is a perennial species found in many areas of the eastern U.S. Other thistles in my region are bull and […]

Getting Rid Of Poison Ivy

              Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is a woody perennial vine or small shrub that is grows wild in fields, woodlands, and home landscapes. As a vine, poison ivy has 3-leaf (trifoliate) compound leaves; leaf margins may be entire or tri-lobed. It is frequently misidentified as Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), which has compound […]

Less Invasive Rose Of Sharons (Altheas)

            In several states rose of Sharon or altheas (Hibiscus syriacus) are classified as exotic (non-native) invasive shrubs (USDA hardiness zones 5-8). Their seedlings are invading U.S. woodlands. Plant breeders are now developing less invasive cultivars. The double-flowered altheas produce far fewer fertile seeds; stamens and pollen sacs are mostly embedded within the flower petals. Azurri Blue Satin® is […]

Positive Facts About Tree Of Heaven

Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is a hated tree and tagged noxious and invasive across the U.S. (USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8). This aggressive species is indigenous to China and seems almost without limits as to where it takes root across the U.S. It has numerous nicknames, including “trash can tree”. It is the […]

Tree Of Heaven Grows Almost Everywhere (Unfortunately)

Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is one of the most aggressive trees on planet Earth (USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8). This large tree, indigenous to China, was introduced in North America in 1748 and brought to New York City in 1820 as a street tree and a food source for silkworm caterpillars. The tree […]

Sycamore Maple Performs In Cooler Regions

              Sycamore maple, aka planetree maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) is indigenous to northern and central Europe where it is a popular landscape tree. Very commonly planted in the northeastern U.S. in the early 20th century, this large 50-60 foot tree is rarely found today (USDA zones 4 and 7).  A mature specimen in Jonesborough, Tennessee (zone 6) is over […]

Beware Of Short-Lived And Overly Aggressive Plants

                  Gardening does involve some work, sometimes a lot more if you select the wrong plants. A good purchase may even reduce annual maintenance. Some of them are beautifully tempting at the garden center. Non-hardy woody trees and shrubs often sold by box store garden centers. For example, it […]

Planting Of Norway Maple Declining In U.S.

Norway maple (Acer platanoides) is a hardwood tree native throughout the of Europe and widely planted in the U.S. (USDA hardiness zones  4-7a). At maturity a tree reaches 40 to 50 feet in height (to 75 to 80 feet is not unusual) and 35 to 50 feet in width.  Its dense leafy canopy values it […]