‘Melting Fire’ is a seed produced variety of heuchera (coral bells) from Kieft Seed, Inc., a division of Ball Hort. Seed-produced heucheras are something new as most current varieties were propagated from tissue culture. (USDA hardiness zones 4-8).
In mid-spring Melting Fire forms a low mound (clump), 8-10 inches tall and 10-12 inches wide. New leaves emerge deeply red. By early summer airy small white flowers open atop wiry red stems rising 16-18 inches high above the red foliage mound. The floral show typically lasts 4-8 weeks. As autumn temps turn cool, the mature foliage takes on a purple-red tint that lasts through most of winter.

No pruning is needed other than removing any weather-beaten leaves in spring and clipping off old spent summer flowers. In southern regions (zones 7-8), heucheras may need afternoon shade protection. If plants get leggy or woody at the base, just lift them in early autumn or spring and replant with the crowns set deeper in the ground bed or container.
Heucheras are generally free of insect and disease problems. Good soil drainage and backup irrigation during dry spells keep coral bells in good shape. Provide a proper landscape environment to avoid pest problems: aphids, mealybugs, slugs, spider mites, thrips and whiteflies, along with disease issues such as powdery mildew, rust, and bacterial leaf spot. Clumps are often ignored by deer, and blooms are frequented by butterflies. Divide clumps every 3-4 years.
Melting Fire is easy to grow, best in partial shade to full shade and in compost-rich well-drained garden soil. In northern latitudes (zones 4-5), grow this tough vigorous variety in partial or full sun. Plant in rock gardens, front of annual or perennial borders, and along garden paths.