The following seven (7) perennials provide gorgeous floral color in mixed perennial beds in late summer and into fall. Flowers attract pollinators, including lots of bees, butterflies, and an occasional hummingbird.
‘Blue Fortune’ Giant Hyssop (Agastache x ‘Blue Fortune’) offers lavender-blue flowers during a long hot summer extending into early fall. Leaves emit a minty-anise fragrance and adds flavor cold drinks. Dead-heading extends bloom time. Deer resistant. (USDA hardiness zones 5-9)
‘Little Spire’ Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia ‘Little Spire’) – compact and erect sub-shrub. It flaunts silvery aromatic foliage and striking light blue to violet floral color. This compact woody perennial grows only 2-3 feet high (versus the 6-7 feet tall species) and is drought tolerant. Deer Resistant. (zones 5-9)
‘Autumn Bride’ Heuchera (Heuchera villosa ‘Autumn Bride’) is a 2-foot-tall by 3-foot-wide native perennial that forms a dense mound of large fuzzy green leaves. The plant spreads by underground rhizome and holds up to moderate dry shade partial dry shade. Heucheras with villosa bloodline grow in either partial shade to full sun. Deer Resistant. (zones 3-8)
‘Hot Lips’ Pink Turtlehead (Chelone lyonii‘Hot Lips‘) produces attractive late-summer pink flowers that look like a turtle’s head. It prefers moist well-drained soils. This 2 to 3 foot-tall perennial has handsome dark green foliage. Deer Resistant. (zones 3-8)
‘Hillside Sheffield Pink’ Chrysanthemum – an old fashioned shrubby garden mum which grows 2-to 3 feet high and wide. Pinch in June to keep plants compact and bushy; divide plants every 2 or 3 years in spring to maintain vigor. Deer Resistant. (zones 3-8)
‘October Skies Aromatic Aster (Symphyotrichum oblongifolium ‘October Skies’) – one of our finest native asters. This 2-foot-tall by 2-foot-wide plant is covered up with dark blue flowers with yellow button centers. The plant forms a lush mound of foliage and should be pinched back by one-half in late June to develop a compact form. Deer Resistant. (zones 3-8)

Leadwort (Ceratostigma plumbaginoides), also called plumbago, is a low-growing dependable 8-10 inch high ground cover for sunny to partly shaded spots. Plumbago is filled with cobalt-blue flowers in late August; dark green leaves begin to turn red 4-5 weeks before abscising later in autumn. (zones 5-9)
General Care: all plants perform in partial to full sun and in well-drained soil. More sun means more flowers. All are moderately drought-tolerant after their first growing season. After blooming, plants don’t need to be cut back until late winter. For best look, set 3 or more plants in garden beds or containers.