“A healthy plant in the right place with proper maintenance” is a rhododendron that has few problems. Rhododendrons and azaleas are acid loving plants meaning plants should be planted in humus-rich slightly acidic soil (pH 5.2 -6.5).
If the soil is not well amended, rhododendrons will have trouble surviving long term. Once planted, water during dry periods, feed lightly in the spring with a fertilizer for acid loving plants, and stand back and enjoy. Most varieties are hardy from USDA hardiness zones (4)5 through 7(8). Rhododendrons are potentially troubled by several disease and insect problems. Choose only the most dependable cultivars, many of which are listed here.
R. maximum (Rosebay rhododendron), 15’ x 20’ & larger Midsummer White to rose; shallow rooted; best in partial shade; var. roseum 4’ – 6’ x 6′ -10’ Pink to red; best in partial shade.

R. catawbiense ‘Roseum Elegans’ or ’English Roseum’ 4-6’ x 6-8’ Mid-summer large pink, almost impossible to tell apart.
R. catawbiense ‘Grandiflorum’ 6’ x 8’ Mid-summer; pinker form than Roseum Elegans.
R. catawbiense ‘Purpureum Elegans’ 3.5’ x 5’ Mid-summer; large, purple blooms.
R. catawbiense ‘Album’ 5’ x 7’ Midsummer White with green or brown margins.
R. catawbiense Boursault’ 6’ x 8’ Mid to late summer Darker Pink Vase shaped as gets larger.’
R. catawbiense ‘Lee’s Dark Purple’ 6-7′ x 7′-8′; deep purple with green-yellow blotch on petals.
R. catawbiense ‘Nova Zembla’ 3-6’ x 3-6’ Midsummer; deep red flowers, especially in shade.
R. x ‘Janet Blair’ (Dexter hybrid) 4′ x 4 – 5′ pinkish mauve with golden bronze blotch.
R. x ‘Chionoides’ (R.ponticum hybrid) 5’x 5’ Late spring to early summer; pure white with yellow blotch on petals; dark green, narrow leaves.

R. catawbiense ‘Cunningham’s White’ 7’ x 7’ Mid to late summer; White, rays of purple or brown; Foliage turns purple in the winter.
R. catawbiense ‘Scintillation’ 6’x 6’ Midseason; Pink, brown throat Fragrant, dense, glossy leaves. Foliage turns purple in the winter.
PJM Rhodendrons (Rhododendron x carolinianum) 4 to 6’ x 4 to 6’ very early spring March; ‘Olga’ (Pink), ‘PJM Elite’ (reddish purple), to original ‘PJM (Lavender); ‘Aglo’ (Pink) are leading varieties; purple winter foliage, loose open form as it matures.