Three High Performance Coneflower Series

‘PowWow Wild Berry’

Coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea) are very popular perennials (USDA hardiness zones 4-9). Their colorful flowers will attract a multitude of beneficial pollinators to your garden. Some cultivar series come in a myriad of colors.

For the best and biggest flowers, coneflowers perform at their best in full sun and in well-drained soils. After planting echinaceas grow off quickly, are moderately drought tolerant, and stand up to heavy summer rain, high humidity, and moderate winds.

Three of the top performing series are:

Cheyenne Spirit® (2013 AAS Trial Winner) requires minimal care ― no deadheading, staking or excessive watering. Cheyenne Spirit comes in myriad of colors – white, yellow, orange, red and purple, sometimes all on one plant! Plants are somewhat bushy and upright, measuring 30-36 inches tall.

PowWow® Wild Berry™ was selected an All-America Selection (AAS) Award in 2010. Plants form a mid-sized mound of coarse dark-green leaves and large daisy flowers with magenta-pink petals surrounding an orange-brown central cone. Pow Wow White’ is equally beautiful. Plants are well-branched and bloom all season. It requires no deadheading and flowers are nonstop. Its compact size, 18-24 inches high and 12-16 inches wide, is an added plus.

Sombrero® series also grows compact, is free branching, early blooming, and come in a wide range of colors including purple, red, coral, pink, orange, yellow and white. Blooms measure 2.5 to 3 inches across. Sombrero Salsa Red and Sombrero Adobe Orange is the earliest to start flowering (around mid-June). Hot Coral grows 24 inches tall. Salsa Red is the shortest, only 16 inches tall.  ‘Sangrita Red’ (above) grows 16-18 inches tall with scarlet-red petals. Adobe Orange is taller at about 20 inches with larger flowers. Their compact size makes them idea for containers on decks and patios.

Fill your flower vases this summer with long lasting coneflowers. Native to North America, coneflowers are great pollinator plants in gardens when planted in a perennial bed or as part of a landscape border or and in large containers and window boxes. Their floral seed heads feed birds all fall and winter. Coneflowers are also deer resistant.

June Blooming Japanese Tree Lilac

Bloom clusters of Japanese Tree Lilac

Chinese tree lilac (Syringa reticulata) is an under-planted small multi-trunked tree or large flowering shrub (USDA hardiness zones 3-7). In tree form, it grows 20- 30 feet tall and 15- 20 feet wide with a rounded crown. Mature 70 year old plus specimens at Biltmore Estates in Asheville, NC are 50 feet or taller.

Its singular greatest asset is the showy clusters of fragrant, creamy white flowers. Upright bloom panicles, 9-12 inch long, appear in late spring to early summer (later than most other lilac species). In cooler northern locales flowering may last over 2 weeks. The pointed-tip lanceolate to ovate, dark green 5-6 inch long leaves emerge before June flowering. Fall color is non-existent.

A member of the Oleraceae family, which includes the troubled ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) and privets (Ligustrum spp.), their flowers are mildly fragrant. You will either like or not the privet-like scent. Flowers give way to loose clusters of brown capsules that persist into winter. Reddish-brown peeling bark is attractive on young branches, gradually turning gray with age. Following a rain event, their dark cherry-red colored bark is more intense when wet.

Tree lilac grows in average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun. The tree blooms heaviest in full sun and should never be crowded in among taller plants. It handles inner city environmental conditions well. Prune the tree (if needed) within one month after flowering. Tree growth thrives where summers are cool and rainfall is plentiful. Tree lilac struggles if planted south of USDA Zone 7.

Dark brown wood of tree lilac

No serious insect/ diseases trouble tree lilac. It is deer tolerant in most locales. Compared to other Syringa species, tree lilac exhibits better resistance to these major pests of lilacs – powdery mildew, scale and borers. Flower buds are susceptible to late spring frost injury. Blooms attract butterflies and other pollinators plus an occasional hummingbird or two.

Leading Cultivar: ‘Ivory Silk’ forms a sturdy compact small 20-25 foot tree or large shrub with a rounded crown. It tends to bloom at an early age.  

Landscape Use: as a single specimen, a street or lawn tree, or in multiples as a property screen.

Attractive Butterfly Weed

‘Mellow Yellow’ butterfly weed

Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa), aka milkweed, is a long-lived summer blooming perennial. In the wild milkweed may be found growing in dry/rocky open woodlands, prairies, farm fields, and along roadsides in the southeastern U.S and mid-western U.S. and Canada (USDA hardiness zones 3 -9).

Established plants typically grow as a clump to 2- 3 feet high and 1 -2 feet wide. Butterfly weed serves as an important host and nectar plant for many kinds of butterflies, including monarch butterflies and other beneficial pollinators. Their thick green leaves serve as a food source for the butterfly pupa (chrysalis).

Unlike many of the other milkweeds, the sap is not milky. For almost six weeks, from late spring into summer, clusters of vibrant orange to yellow-orange flowers (umbels) cover the plant canopy. The narrow, lance-shaped leaves are attached to hairy stems.

Butterfly Weed

Butterfly weed self-sows freely in the landscape, but the plant is not considered invasive. Prominent 3 – 6 inch long spindle-shaped seed pods break open when ripe and release multitudes of silky-tailed seeds which are dispersed a long way by wind. Seed pods may be utilized in dried flower arrangements.

Butterfly weed is a perfect choice in sunny meadow or prairie gardens. It grows in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils. It is highly drought tolerant and manages in poor, dry soils. Established plants emerge rapidly in mid-spring and grow rapidly.

Butterfly weed is easily started from seed, but may take a year or two before first flowering. Digging up wild plants usually winds up failing because of their deep taproot system. Young seedlings are best left undisturbed for two years to become established.

Few disease and insect problems trouble butterfly weed when grown on the right site. Wet poorly-drained soil will invite root rot disease and plant death. Rust and leaf spot diseases are signs of an overcrowded planting. Plants are also deer proof.

Their bright orange flower clusters are among our showiest native wildflowers and look nice in floral arrangements. ‘Hello Yellow’ is a yellow flowering cultivar. Make a nice cut flower for your home.

Summersweet Shrub – Underplanted And Underappreciated

‘Pink Spire’ clethra

‘Hummingbird’ clethra

Summersweet clethra (Clethra alnifolia), aka sweet pepperbush, is a deciduous summer blooming shrub that ranges from coastal Maine to Florida (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). This delightful shrub grows 3-6 feet, although some cultivars grow 8 feet or higher. Flower colors (depending on variety) range from white, pink, and rose pink.

The sweetly fragrant flower clusters ( 4- 6 inches long racemes) are visited by multitudinous bees, a few butterflies, as well as by gardeners. When in bloom, the area is “a buzz” with bee activity lasting approximately 4 weeks in July and August.

Flowers give way to dark brown seed capsules that often persist through winter. The glossy dark green leaves (to 4 inches long) develop foliage shades of yellow to golden brown, which may linger for several weeks in autumn.

Summersweet is easy to grow in either full to partial sunlight and in average soil that is well- drained and mildly pH acidic. This native shrub thrives in wet sites and is both heat and cold tolerant. It tolerates dry soils after a two year period of establishment, but grows best and produces the greatest number of flowers when watered regularly. Avoid the hot afternoon sun in southern climes. Once a year feeding in late winter with a slow-release fertilizer such as Osmocote™ or Nutrikote™ is sufficient.

Summersweet is mostly disease- and pest-free. Pruning, if needed, should be done in late winter before spring growth begins. Little pruning is generally needed, unless it has outgrown its space. Every 5-6 years consider cutting shrub(s) to the ground in late fall. This tough reliable  plant will bloom the following summer. Summersweet spreads by rhizomes and suckers; remove unwanted plants at any time.

Selected cultivars to try:

‘Hummingbird’ is a 3- 3 ½ foot tall compact form with deep green summer foliage

‘Rosea’ is a popular pink flowering form with pink flowers that fade to white.

‘Ruby Spice’ bears deep rose pink 3 ½ – 4 inch flowers; it grows into a 6 – 8 foot tall shrub.

‘Sixteen Candles’ bears larger 4 – 6 inch long flowers that stand upright and do not flop like most cultivars.

Grow Crocosmias In Your Summer Garden

Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’

Crocosmias are bulbous summer blooming flowering perennials that are closely related to gladiolas, also called montbretia and sword lilies. They’re actually corms, not bulbs, and are indigenous to South Africa (USDA hardiness zones 5b to 9).

Crocosmias enjoy lots of sun, soil moisture, and hot temps to produce flowers. Plants prefer nutrient-rich, slightly acidic, moist, well-drained soils. They begin blooming in mid-June and continue over most of the summer into fall. The brightly colored flowers emit a saffron fragrance. In northern gardens (zones 5b – 6), mulch in late fall for winter protection of smaller corms.

The gladiolus-like dark green foliage may be rippled or pleated. Usually disease and pest free, leaves may become sapped of their green color by mites and thrips in a dry summers; wash off foliage or resort to pesticide spraying.

Orange variety

Many cultivars are available; some grow vigorously and others at a slower rate. Color choices range from vivid reds, oranges, yellows and bi-colors. Flowers are followed by black berries. The fiery red cultivar ‘Lucifer’ is the most popular cultivar with scarlet red beauty. Set many many corms 3-4 inches deep and 8-10 inches apart to fill the space with showy clusters of flowers.

Over time a bed of crocomias may become overcrowded. Corms should be dug and divided in the fall. Cut the foliage down to the ground in fall or wait until late winter.

Crocosmia blooms are produced on 2-4 feet tall wiry arching stems, depending on variety. Plant shorter compact varieties in either flower beds or in containers. Crocosmias make excellent cut flowers, much in demand by florists.

In addition to ‘Lucifer’, I have listed five other varieties:

‘Prince of Orange’ – 2 ½ to 3 foot tall, red-orange blooms / burgundy speckled, gold centers

Mistral’- 2 to 2 ½ foot tall, orangey-red flowers

‘Star of the East’ – 3 foot tall, huge starry wide-open orange flowers

‘Tobias’ – 3 to 4 feet tall, 2-3 inch wide orangey-red blooms

Walberton Yellow‘ – compact 2 to 2 ½ feet tall; tightly-packed bright yellow flowers.

Arborvitae Fern

Selaginella braunii (winter bronzing)

Arborvitae fern (summer look)

Arborvitae fern (Selaginella braunii) is native to China (USDA hardiness zones 6-9). It is not a fern at all, but a Lycopod or “club moss”, a descendant of ancient spore-producing plants which date back to the Carboniferous and Permian Ages. Its small club shaped cones give it the plant moniker – ”club moss”.

Arborvitae fern is a slowly creeping rhizome with semi-evergreen leathery frond-like leaves. In early spring the tender light green emerges and stays brightly green if seasonal moisture is adequate. During cold winters the foliage is often bronze-tinted.

By the end of its 3 season, a small 3-inch wide plant may fill-in an 18-24 inch wide space. Arborvitae fern grows 6-12 inches (15-30 cm) high. Its textural and seasonal color make for a lovely landscape groundcover in partially to fully shaded areas. It also looks great in hanging baskets and large ground planters combined with other taller plants.

Arborvitae fern loves a moist well-drained, organically rich soil and in full to part shade. Amend a sandy or clay soil by generously incorporating a two- or three-inch layer of compost or humus. Plant quart or gallon-sized containers a foot or so apart. Water as needed to maintain moist soil. Once established, give it 1-2 years, it will tolerate moderately dry sites over short periods. Fertilize in early spring just as new growth begins with a slow-release fertilizer at low rates.

Arborvitae ferns are easy to grow, disease and insect resistant and deer proof. These and other club mosses can be easily divided at any time of year. They do not flower in the traditional sense, but you can nurture them from spores.

Best of The Oakleaf Hydrangeas (So Far)

‘Snowflafe’ oakleaf hydrangea

Fall leaf color of ‘Snow Queen’

More than 30 available oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) cultivars, you can select the perfect specimen to complement any size garden USDA hardiness zones 5 -9). Oakleaf hydrangea is a native plant that delights gardeners with four seasons of distinct features. In spring, oak-shaped leaves are followed by summer’s white-panicled flowers. When it sheds its colorful leaves in autumn, they reveal cinnamon-colored exfoliating bark that adds texture to the winter garden.

Oakleaf hydrangeas are native to the southeastern United States, and hardy in oakleaf hydrangea adapts better to different climates than the recognizable bigleaf hydrangea with mophead blooms.

Its superior disease resistance makes this shrub a low-maintenance choice for beginning gardeners. Oakleaf hydrangea are tolerant of moderate shade, an excellent choice as an understory shrub. Expect smaller numbers of flowers.

Large… For larger gardens pick your choice of either ‘Alice’ or ‘Allison’. Both grow 12-15 feet tall and wide with enormous 12 inch cone-shaped flower clusters may be longer than 12 inches. Additionally, Alison’s” handsome burgundy fall foliage. A third tall variety is ‘Harmony at 10 foot tall . Individual florets of panicles are densely packed,

Medium… One of the most popular oakleaf hydrangeas was introduced in 1971 when nurseryman Eddie Aldridge patented a cultivar that had double flowers. Snowflake grows 8 feet high and wide and the double florets bloom longer than other cultivars. Snow Queen is an equal beauty with single-flowered panicles and upright shrub form.

‘Little Honey’

Small… Two of the best dwarf oakleaf hydrangea cultivars are ‘Ruby Slippers and ‘Munchkin’ are plants that feature the desired qualities of their larger relatives, but in compact form. Munchkin’s blooms open white, as all oakleaf varieties do, and gradually turn pink with age. Ruby Slipper’s bears white flowers that fade to pale pink and finish rose color. Both shrubs grow to 5 to 5 ½ feet after 7-10 years. These dwarf forms are perfect for large containers on decks and patio.

And lastly… ‘Little Honey’, a branch sport of H. quercifolia ‘Pee Wee’, is a unique gold leaf oakleaf hydrangea. This compact spreading beauty grows 3-4 feet tall and 4-5 feet wide and is frequently utilized as an accent plant. Its flowers do not standout, but its gold colored foliage surely does.

Sacred Lily (Rohdea)

Sacred lily (Rohdea japonica), aka nippon lilies, are native to Japan and China. Rohdeas are truly collector’s plants (USDA hardiness zones 6-10). In the Orient these lovely shade perennials are highly revered. In traditional Japanese horticulture, sacred lilies (known as o moto) came to be associated with long life and good fortune. Containers are planted near the entry to courtyards and homes. Over the past two centuries colorful, contorted, ridged, dwarf, giant, or variegated leaf forms have been bred, almost all with Japanese names.

Rohdea japonica – Sacred lily

Rohdeas are members of the asparagus family (Asparagaceae).  Plants are rhizomatous perennials that grow 8-18 inches high depending on cultivar.

Well-established clumps produce short-stemmed, creamy to greenish, white bell shaped flowers. The racemes appear in early spring. found at the base of the plant. Blooms are mostly hidden within the dense leathery foliage and therefore mostly inconspicuous. Red or orange ornamental berries follow in late fall and last through most of the winter.

Sacred lilies are simple to grow and live for many years. Plants prefer a moderately moist, humus-rich, well-drained garden soil. They’re especially adapted to deep shade. Several varieties appear to be reliably hardy to Zone 6. Rohdeas are not troubled by diseases, pests or deer.

Sacred lilies produce dark green, evergreen, strap-like (lanceolate) leaves. They look like a garden-hardy snake plants (Sanseviera). New plants start off slowly, but do multiply and form large colonies of ground covering. Numerous divisions over time can help you build a collection which you can trade back and forth with other collectors.

Where to shop for Rohdea japonica: lists 7 varieties, the most that I’ve seen from a single nursery source. Plants are also traded on Ebay.

Try Maple-leaf Viburnum In Woodsy Areas

Maple-leaf Viburnum in bloom in late May In Tennessee Garden

Maple-leaf Viburnum (Viburnum acerifolium) is a small to medium deciduous shrub that is indigenous to many areas of the Eastern U.S. (USDA hardiness zones 3-8). This underutilized native viburnum is at its finest in a dappled shady woodland landscape. Slow-growing at first, a single plant may reach heights of 4-6 feet and 2-4 feet in spread. Maple-leaf viburnum displays multi-season interest for its spring bloom, late summer fruiting, and fall color.

Terminal clusters of white flowers (flattened cymes) form about a month emergence of the leaves in May to June. Oval green fruits soon follow that begin turning bluish-black in late summer. Flower clusters measure 2 – 3 inches across. Birds and other wildlife munch on the fruits during the winter.

Coarsely toothed, mostly three-lobed, medium green leaves turn reddish-purple to magenta color in fall. Leaves usually have small black spotting on the undersides.

Mapleleaf viburnum is more shade tolerant than most Viburnum species. It grows in average, medium moist, well-drained soil and in full sun to part shade; it tolerates a wide range of soils. Established 2 year old plants demonstrate good drought tolerance. Feed once in early spring with a granular fertilizer such as 10-10-10 or equivalent @ 1 -2 lbs. per 100 square feet. Keep shrub(s) mulched to retain soil moisture and reduce weed pressure. Irrigate during establishment and extended dry periods.

Within 4-5 weeks after flowering, prune to shape and maintain the shrub as desired. Plants will naturalize via root suckering to form colonies unless suckering is held in check. Suckering is a lot less in dry shade. In an open woodland area, it may take 5 or more years before it starts to naturalize.

No serious insect or disease problems trouble this woodsy viburnum. It may be utilized in shrub borders, foundations or hedges. Maple-leaf viburnum is primarily available from e-commerce native plant nurseries.

Black Mondo Grass

Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’

Black mondo under shade tree

Black mondo grass or black lilyturf (Ophiopogon planiscapus) is sold as a number of cultivars – ‘Arabicus’, ‘Black Dragon’, ‘Nigrescens’, or ‘Ebony Knight’. This stoloniferous grass-like perennial belongs to the lily family (Liliaceae) (USDA  hardiness zones 6-9). Its blackish-purple foliage (3/16 inch wide leaf blades) forms lush arching clumps. For the patient gardener, know that black mondo starts off slowly. Compared to other mondo grasses, this black form grows shorter @ 8 -12 inches in height.

Indigenous to Japan, black mondo typically grows in slow spreading clumps with arching, slowly-spreading clumps. The dark purple foliage appears almost black in most sites. In southern climates, black mondo is often planted under the shade of trees, because leaf blade color will fade under intense sunlight. White, bell-shaped flowers (up to 1/4 inch long), with pink to lilac tints, bloom in summer. Dark purple globular berries mature in fall.

Black mondo grows best in humus rich, slightly acidic, moist, well-drained, soils and in partial to full shade. Mondo prefers consistent, evenly moist soils. Although not reliably winter hardy in USDA Zone 5, many northern gardeners have been successful growing it in a protected area. Plant foliage is evergreen in Southern winter climates. Black foliage color is best in cool sunny locales of zones 6 and 7 and in light shady spots in zones 8-9.

In the landscape black mondo makes for a great edging plant or utilize it as a filler plant in containers. Its dark grassy foliage makes a great accent feature. As garden edging space plants 4-5 inches apart and they should fill within 3-4 years. Feed with a slow release fertilizer such as Osmocote™ or Nutricote™ in early spring. Rake away fallen leaves from nearby trees and shrubs in the fall so mondo grass can continue to grow through the winter months. Irrigate a new planting the first season and during prolong summer dry spell.