Soil Testing Is Fool-Proof Garden Insurance

Gardens start with great soil!

Soil testing is  a gardener’s best low cost insurance for enjoying a gorgeous garden or lawn. A soil analysis may be a problem solver, informing you of the soil nutrient content and pH. It  accurately calculates how much chemical fertilizer, limestone, manure and other components to add. You save money is your soil is already rich enough or too high in certain nutrients, lime or sulfur.

The pH is a measure of how acidic (below 7.0) or alkaline (above pH 7.0) the garden soil may be. Acid-loving plants such as azaleas, rhododendrons, dwarf conifers and blueberries prefer soil pH below 6.0. An alkaline pH benefits growing some dianthus, ferns and lenten roses. Also, some soil nutrients are less available to plants above pH 7.0.

Soil test early, at least once every 4-5 years. Separately test lawn, vegetable, fruit, and flower garden areas. If you grow a large number of roses, test this area separately.

Randomly sample 4-5 areas of each separate garden bed. The soil should be aired dry for several days and collect enough to fill a large 5 oz. baby food jar.

The local Extension office or full service garden center now in mid-winter before the rush of spring gardeners begin tilling. The cost is very modest, usually $8-12 per sample in most states.

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