Archive for the ‘Azaleas (evergreen)’ Category

Pruning Times for Flowering Shrubs

The late winter / early spring period are ideal times for pruning many (not all) flowering shrubs. At this time, shrubs are leafless, and you are better able to see the overall shape of the shrub and easily identify dead, damaged, diseased wood, and structural defects.  Pruning also stimulates new growth. Spring flowering shrubs (those […]

Why My Tree Turns Yellow in Summer

Leaves of some landscape trees turn yellowish- green color in the summer. The common cause for this malady is a lack of minor nutrients (“micronutrients”) that are essential for plant growth. These nutrients are available in the soil in very small quantities. Nutrient deficiencies are not common, except in the high pH soils, particularly the […]

Tips On Overwintering Outdoor Containers

Containers filled with shrubs and perennials, doesn’t necessarily ensure their winter survival. Without adequate cold protection plants may succumb to cold injury—turning them into dead annuals.     To over-winter perennials in containers, you need to know their root and shoot temperature hardiness. Often, plant hardiness ratings is listed on the label. Roots and shoots of several […]

Rhododendrons You Should Be Growing

“A healthy plant in the right place with proper maintenance” is a rhododendron that has few problems. Rhododendrons and azaleas are acid loving plants meaning plants should be planted in humus-rich slightly acidic soil (pH 5.2 -6.5). If the soil is not well amended, rhododendrons will have trouble surviving long term. Once planted, water during […]

Changing Garden Soil pH

In general, the garden soil pH fluctuates only slightly unless you accidentally spilled fertilizer or limestone. Soil pH is also affected by rainfall patterns, decomposing organic matter, and bacterial activity in the ground. In the eastern U.S. rain water is slightly acidic. Acid rain is the result of these pollutants (mostly sulfate and nitrate) from […]

Fall Garden Chores

Fall is the perfect time to take on a few of the many spring garden chores. Here is a list of ten of the most important tasks:  Weeding– get rid of newly emerging winter annual weeds now before they flower and set seeds. Perennial weeds such as dandelions, plantains, and thistles can be sprayed and eliminated in the […]

Tips On Amending The Soil In The Planting Hole

Adding large amounts of compost or organic matter to a planting hole greatly improve the soil’s water-holding capacity and aeration. Simply throwing piles of leaves into the bottom of the planting hole helps improve a soil. However, amending the planting hole is not recommended by most plant experts. Why? According to soil scientists, the plant roots stay locked within the rich […]

Working With Poorly Drained Soils

As a rule, yews (Taxus spp.), Japanese hollies (Ilex crenata), azaleas (Rhododendron spp.), blueberries (Vaccinium spp.), and roses (Rosa spp.) are common examples of landscape plants that fail in poorly drained soils. Holly cultivars like ‘Hoogendorn’  and ‘Soft Touch’  fair better in clay soils that most other Japanese hollies in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA hardiness […]

Benefits Of Mulching

Mulching benefits garden soil and enhances the landscape appearance. Here is how: Prevents weed seeds from germinating, thereby reducing hand weeding. Mulching keeps plant roots moist and cool in summer. Fall mulching acts like a thermal blanket and aids newly set plants to establish their roots quickly. Reduces the need to water the garden as often. […]

Protect Young Trees and Shrubs From Voles, Rabbits And Other Critters

Rabbits, chipmunks, and voles (field mice) need a home for the winter. They often choose to nestle up near newly planted trees and shrubs and gnaw  on their sweet sapwood, girdling the trunk and essentially killing the tree. Fruit-bearing plants often damaged by critters over their first 1-2 winters include: apple, pear, peach, redbud, blueberry, and cane fruits. Young […]