Fall Garden Chores

February blooming edgeworthia

Fall is the perfect time to take on a few of the many spring garden chores. Here is a list of ten of the most important tasks:

  1.  Weeding– get rid of newly emerging winter annual weeds now before they flower and set seeds. Perennial weeds such as dandelions, plantains, and thistles can be sprayed and eliminated in the fall.
  2.  Gather and dispose of any diseased or insect-infested leaves in the trash. Do not add material to the compost pile.
  3.  Cut back most perennials that bloomed during the year, but leave enough stem to mark its spot next spring. Postpone cutting back ornamental grasses to enjoy their winter architecture.
  4.  Improve the garden soil by adding compost from leaf debris.
  5.  Add 1- to 2-inches of a fine bark mulch around trees, shrubs and perennials. Make sure to keep mulch from piling up around trunks or stems where moisture can build up, weaken stems and make it easier for pest and disease problems to occur.
  6. Keep recently planted plants irrigated through the fall and winter seasons while they put down roots.
  7. Plant more spring flowering bulbs such as daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, and muscari that will bloom next spring and many years ahead.
  8. Create a garden diary to record successes and failures over the past year. Take lots of photos of past gardens.
  9. Add some season extenders performs in the fall winter season such re-blooming azaleas,  witchazels (Hamamelis spp.), camellias, Chinese paperbush (Edgeworthia chrysantha), winterhazels (Corylopsis spp.), lenten roses (Helleborus spp.),  pansies (Viola spp.), et.al.
  10. Add winter protection for sensitive plants and critter proof the garden with fencing and animal repellents (deer, rabbits, voles).
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