For over a decade the cultivar ‘Limelight’ has been among the best selling panicle hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata) (USDA hardiness zones 3-8). It bears large greenish-white floral trusses on 6- 8 feet tall branches; beautiful for use as cut (fresh or dried) flowers. Here are three panicle hydrangeas that are also very popular.
Vanilla Strawberry™ hydrangea (H. paniculata) is a cultivar of peegee hydrangea introduced from France and is catching on across the U.S. The shrub typically grows to 6-8 feet tall and to 4-5 feet wide. New blooms open green, gradually age to blushing pink, and finish rosy pink. Blooms are enormous and stand upright. Following a summer rain, the heavy water soaked floral trusses may temporarily bow down, but gradually straighten up as the blooms dry out.

Quickfire® is the earliest blooming panicled hydrangea. The lace cap flowers start out pure white, turn pink with age, and mature dark rosy-pink in fall. The shrub grows 6-8 feet tall and flowers are visited by pollinators. New variations in the Quick Fire series are also available: Little Quick Fire® and Quick Fire Fab®.
Bobo® is a dwarf panicle hydrangea that bears large white flowers in summer, held upright on strong stems. That means no flopping. The blooms age to pale pink in early fall. Plants grow only 2.5 – 3 feet high. The mostly sterile flowers do not attract many pollinators.

General Care: PG hydrangeas bloom at its fullest in full sun in zones 6 and points north. In southerly climes, provide full morning sunlight and moderate afternoon shade. PG hydrangeas thrive in moderately moist, well-drained soil. Feed in early spring with a slow-release fertilizer such as Osmocote™ or Nutricote™. Apply 2-3 inches of an organic mulch in spring to conserve soil moisture. Irrigate during long summer dry spells. Prune back plants by one-third of their total height in early spring.