Archive for the ‘Hydrangeas’ Category

Vintage Large-Growing Oakleaf Hydrangeas

Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) is an upright, broad-rounded, suckering, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub that typically grows 4-6 feet (less frequently to 8 feet) tall. It is a wonderful flowering shrub with multi-season interest. It is native to the Southeastern U.S. and tolerates hot, humid weather. Oakleaf hydrangeas aren’t quite as cold-hardy as other hydrangea species (USDA […]

Mountain Hydrangeas

Mountain hydrangeas (Hydrangea serrata) look very much like big leaf hydrangea (H. macrophylla) except shrubs are smaller, more compact in growth habit with smaller flowers and leaves. They are native to the cool moist woodland valleys in Japan and Korea mountains. (USDA hardiness zones 6-9). These unique hydrangeas fare better in cool climates in zones 5 […]

Six Mini-Shrubs For Small Gardens

Many green thumbers and veteran senior gardeners have opted to grow in small garden beds. Here are six (6) small flowering shrubs that add lots of seasonal color from early spring to late summer. All six are easy to maintain; check the easy-care info at the end. Plants can also be grown in 12 inches […]

Blue Flowering Shrubs

Most associate the color BLUE with the sky, the sea, and an endless horizon. Blue colors evoke feelings of tranquility, calm, and a peaceful state of mind. “Blue Skies” brings out happiness and smiles in people, particularly after consecutive days of dreary weather. Contrarily, a blue mood may elicit feelings of sadness and depression. The […]

Mini Reblooming Smooth Hydrangeas

Smooth hydrangeas (Hydrangea arborescens) generally grow 6 -7 feet high, and some wild forms upwards of 10 feet (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). The exceedingly popular Invincibelle® series grow 5-6 feet high. Three recently introduced mini-types (listed below) are perfect for a small garden or in a large container. Shrubs in the series reach full size in […]

Adding Compact Summer Flowering Shrubs

Yes, to reduce annual garden maintenance some gardeners are switching to space-saving flowering shrubs. Patio gardeners are popping compact shrubs into containers such as spireas, hydrangeas, crape myrtles, chaste tree, weigelias, and buddleias. They’re looking to add color and reduce their maintenance workload.   Numerous new [rose] varieties have been created that are relatively resistant to the […]

Four Space-Saving Summer Blooming Shrubs

Miniaturation of many of our garden shrubs has been a trend for over 30 years. A common saying among gardeners has been they no making any more land making anymore or, in this case, garden planting space. In particular, urban gardeners continue to squeeze more color into limited spaces. Here are four flowering shrubs that […]

Three Standout Panicle Hydrangeas

For over a decade the cultivar ‘Limelight’ has been among the best selling panicle hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata) (USDA hardiness zones 3-8). It bears large greenish-white floral trusses on 6- 8 feet tall branches; beautiful for use as cut (fresh or dried) flowers. Here are three panicle hydrangeas that are also very popular. Vanilla Strawberry™ hydrangea […]

More Cool Small Flowering Shrubs

For many urban gardeners, landscape space is very limited. Here are several showy shrub choices along walkways and perennial border, and in deck and patio containers. Each year the list of dwarf shrubs continues to get longer. They are low maintenance, including very little annual pruning. Shrub Roses – like Drift™ and Flower Carpet™ roses- […]

Tips On Overwintering Outdoor Containers

Containers filled with shrubs and perennials, doesn’t necessarily ensure their winter survival. Without adequate cold protection plants may succumb to cold injury—turning them into dead annuals.     To over-winter perennials in containers, you need to know their root and shoot temperature hardiness. Often, plant hardiness ratings is listed on the label. Roots and shoots of several […]