For many years of floral beauty in your perennial garden, get off to a good start. Plant in an area in full or partial sun along with good air circulation to avoid mildew and leaf spot disease problems. Before planting, generously amend soil with compost and well-drained ground. Irrigate the first year to establish the landscape planting.
These U.S. native perennials should attract bees, butterflies and/or birds to your garden. All ten are hardy in at least USDA hardiness zones 5-8, and few are susceptible to serious insect or disease problems.
Garden phlox (Phlox paniculata) is a clump-forming 2-4 feet tall, long-blooming (mid-summer to early fall perennial. Flowers come in several colors. ‘David’, ‘Jeana’, et al.
Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis) grows 4-5 feet tall with brilliant red blooms in summer. It will tolerate wet soil in full sun to part shade. It handles full sun in northern climates and appreciates partial afternoon shade in hot summer climates of the lower Midwest and South. Hummingbird magnet!

Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) grows 3-5 feet tall and 12-24 inches apart in well-drained soil. Anise hyssop may self-seed freely. The foliage emits an anise or licorice scent and can be used for flavoring in salads and teas. top cvs. ‘Blue Forune’; ‘Black Adder’, et al.
Bergamot, beebalm (Monarda fistulosum) is a summer flowering clump-forming member of the mint family member that grows typically to 2-4 feet tall with pink to lavender flowers depending on variety. also a honey plant and medicinal plant.
Shasta daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum) produce white to creamy white daisy flowers 1-4 feet tall depending on cultivar in various degrees of doubleness and size. ‘Becky’; ‘Whoops-a-Daisy’; et al.
Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) – one of our finest native perennials. So many varieties to select from including ‘PowWow Wild Berry’; ‘Sombrero series, ‘Cheyenne Spirit’.
Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia) – ‘All-American Goldrush’ thrives in full to partial sun; grows 22-26 inches high and 40-44 inches wide and highly disease resistant; also try ‘Goldstrum’ and ‘Little Goldstar’.
Blazing Star or Gayfeather (Liatris spicata) has grass-like foliage and grows 2-4 feet tall with spiky blooms that attract butterflies, birds and bees. ‘Kobold’ (bright purple flowers); ‘Florestan White’ (white flowers).

Joe Pye (Eutrochium dubium) is a coarse, herbaceous perennial that typically grows to 3-5’ tall and to 2-4’ wide on purple-spotted stems clad with ovate, coarsely-toothed, strongly three-veined leaves (to 6” long) arranged in whorls of 3-4. This wetland species enjoys moist soils. ‘Little Joe’ (3-4 feet high x 1-3 feet wide) and ‘Baby Joe’ (2-3 feet high x 1-2 feet wide). (z 3-9)
Golden Aralia (Aralia cordata ‘Sun King’) – this tropical-looking golden beauty with large compound leaves that measure up to 3 feet long. ‘Sun King’ emerges mid-spring with bright gold leaves attached to reddish brown stems. ‘Sun King’ thrives in 2-3 hours of early morning sun to enhance its bright golden yellow foliage all summer; under heavy shade, expect chartreuse to lime green foliage. (z3-9)