Archive for the ‘Shasta daisy (Leucanthemum)’ Category

10 Drought Tolerant Perennials

Once established, these ten drought-tolerant plants can cope with hot sun and humidity with low amounts of supplemental water. If you garden in a drought-prone area, or growing in fast-draining raised beds, these drought-resistant plants are a great choice for your garden. Perhaps you wish to reduce your water bills. Plan to keep plantings adequately […]

Eleven Popular Perennials In The U.S.

Today’s most popular perennials are ones asking for low maintenance and have few to no bug or disease problems. Cutflowers may be used in fresh cut and in dried arrangements. Coneflowers (Echinacea x) – native coneflowers are tough and pretty; flower colors: purple, white, orange, red, yellow. Compact coneflower series (16 to 30 inches tall): […]

Growing Shasta Daisies

Shasta daisies (Leucanthemum x superbum) is a European native that has naturalized in most areas of North America (zones 5-9). Truly low care perennials, Shasta daisies come back every spring and bloom reliably from early summer into early fall (if deadheaded). Some varieties, ‘Becky’ for example, are multi-year top performers. Shasta daisies tend to form clumps, […]

Six Flowering Perennials For Downtown Areas

Here is what some downtown areas in the Southeast and Midwest U.S. were planting this spring: Rudbeckia lacinata ‘Herbstonne’ aka ‘Autumn Sun’ is a long-blooming butterfly favorite with clusters of bright yellow ray flowers with large green cones from mid to late summer. Leaves are large, glossy, deep green, deeply cut along the stems. Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia fulgida […]

Ten Grow Facts About Perennials

Before purchasing and planting perennials, here are ten helpful tips to assist you in garden planning: Perennials die back to the ground in fall or winter and regrow from plant crowns or roots the following spring. Most perennials should be divided when they are dormant: Spring bloomers in the fall and Fall bloomers in the […]

See Your Perennials Blooming Again

Deadheading is the removal of old spent flowers and stems of many perennials. Many (not all) perennials will respond and bloom a second and even a third time. Deadheading also refreshes the plant’s appearance and reduces or eliminates the threat of seed dispersal. It redirects the plant’s energy away from seed production toward root and vegetative growth. […]

Five Perennial Staples For Your Summer Garden

If you are designing a new perennial garden, here are five proven perennials to start out with. All varieties are standout garden performers known for their long blooming period and showy flowers. Coreopsis and veronica are often utilized for edging along a sunny border. All can be planted in mixed containers. ‘Pow Wow Wild Berry’ coneflower (Echinacea […]

Basic Care Tips In The Spring Perennial Garden

              In late winter – early spring, after the snow has melted and daytime temperatures are steadily above freezing, let’s get busy with the cleanup in the perennial garden. First, if you garden in a severe winter region such as zones 4 or colder, remove all winter protection such […]

Need To Deadhead Perennials

Deadheading is the practice of removing spent blossoms to stimulate re-blooming. It also refreshes the plant’s appearance, and lessens the threat of seed dispersal. It redirects the plant’s energy from seed production to root and shoot growth. Deadheading is an extra chore throughout the growing season. When the plant (perennial or annual) has stopped blooming or […]

Past Winners of the Perennial Plant of The Year Award

Each year PPA members choose a Perennial Plant of the Year™. Since 1990 24 great plants have been selected. Some of the selection criteria include: • Suitable to a wide range of climatic conditions • Low Maintenance • Pest and disease resistant • Availability at garden centers • Multiple seasons of color (beauty) The list […]