For spring 2013, 22 of 32 Encore™ Azalea varieties are cold hardy in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA hardiness zones 6 and 7). Thirteen (13) varieties are reliably cold hardy throughout Zone 6-a&b. They are: Autumn Amethyst, Autumn Carnation, Autumn Cheer, Autumn Jewel , Autumn Lilac, Autumn Lily, Autumn Royalty, Autumn Ruby, Autumn Sangria, Autumn […]
Archive for the ‘Autumn flowering’ Category
Vernal Witchhazel and New Cultivar ‘Quasimodo’
Vernal witchhazel (H. vernalis) is a dense growing 8 to 12 foot native shrub which blooms in mid-winter in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA hardiness zones 6 and 7). It is winter hardy to zone 4. Small ½ inch wide yellow flowers, flushed red at the base, emit a pleasant witchhazel aroma in the February […]
Witchhazels Invent Their Own Season
Witchhazels (Hamamelis spp.) are medium to large shrubs which can be shaped into small trees by judicious pruning. In general, all witchhazels grow in full sun but can prosper with moderate amounts of shade. Other than pruning, they require little extra care. Plant in any soil type as long as it is adequately drained and mildly acidic. Species native to the Eastern […]
Are You Growing A Thanksgiving or Christmas Cactus?
If your “Christmas cactus” is blooming on Thanksgiving Day, it is likely not a true Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera x buckleyi) which flowers a month or more later. Thanksgiving cactus (S. truncata) is frequently sold as “Christmas cactus”. Holiday shoppers often decorate with what’s in the store after Thanksgiving and the plants are frequently mislabeled. Christmas […]
Fall Blooming ‘Little Suzy’ American witchhazel
Little Suzy American witchhazel (Hamamelis virginiana ‘Little Suzy’) was hybridized and introduced by Harald Neubauer, owner of Hidden Hollow Nursery in Belvidere, TN. This medium sized shrub grows 8-10 feet tall and 10-15 feet wide. It is particularly suited to small urban gardens where standard American witchhazels (20-25 feet in height and width) are […]
‘Autumnalis’ Is Good Flowering Cherry, Perhaps Over-hyped
Autumnalis cherry (Prunus x subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’) is a long-lived, fast growing flowering cherry. This variety of higan cherry grows to medium size, 20-40 feet in height and 15-30 feet in spread. Autumnalis produces a heavy bloom of semi-double pink flowers in spring and again, in sparse numbers in autumn (mid-October) in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA hardiness zones 6 and […]
Seven-Son Flower Is Flowering Again
Back in bloom for a second time in two months! This is my way of describing seven-son flower (Heptacodium miconioides), a small 15-20 foot tree or large shrub from China. Seven-son’s creamy white petals open in late August and finish up in early September. By late September, the petals have fallen, and the small green sepals (calyces) have […]
Success With Blue/Pink Mophead Hydrangeas
Mophead hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla), the blue/pink flowering species, have been the gardening rage since the early 1990’s. Endless Summer® hydrangea started a wave of new repeat blooming (remontant) cultivars. They bloom on both new season’s as well as old wood from the previous year. These hardier cultivars extended the flowering time by 8 to 10 more weeks and bloomed in cooler climates formerly unable to […]
Autumn Clematis – Be Careful What You Ask For
Autumn clematis (Clematis terniflora) is a late summer flowering twining vine with dark green foliage. The sweetly fragrant white flowers bloom for 4-5 weeks. The four petal (sepal) blossom is 1 inch across, borne in clusters, and mature into puffy plume-like seed heads. Its deciduous foliage is leathery in feel and remains mostly […]
Decorate With Fall Mums
Dendranthemums (mums) are favorite plants for outdoor decorating in the autumn season. Fall mums come in a variety of colors from white, yellow, pink, orange, red, bronze, and purple. Blooms attract numerous bees and butterflies. Plant heights vary, depending on the degree that the greenhouse grower has sheared or sprayed (with growth retardants) the mums. As perennials, mums are […]