Archive for the ‘Container garden’ Category

Four Space-Saving Summer Blooming Shrubs

Miniaturation of many of our garden shrubs has been a trend for over 30 years. A common saying among gardeners has been they no making any more land making anymore or, in this case, garden planting space. In particular, urban gardeners continue to squeeze more color into limited spaces. Here are four flowering shrubs that […]

Next Generation Of Kousa Dogwoods

‘Scarlet Fire’ is a 2017 introduction from Rutgers University with 4-5 inch wide, fade-proof, dark pink floral bracts. This Kousa dogwood tree is also heat and drought tolerant and highly disease resistant. ‘Wolf Eyes’ is a compact tree (10-20 feet tall) or multi-branched shrub form; creamy white variegated foliage is scorch-resistant. Wolf Eyes flaunts eye-catching gray-green […]

Roof Iris in Springtime

Roof iris (Iris tectorum) is indigenous to China. This beardless iris is part of the crested iris group. Leaves stand 15 inches tall, fanned at the base and are ribbed.  The clean green fan-like leaves remain mostly blemish-free most of the growing season. Plants give rise to purple-blue flowers with white and darker purple flecks starting […]

Three Standout Panicle Hydrangeas

For over a decade the cultivar ‘Limelight’ has been among the best selling panicle hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata) (USDA hardiness zones 3-8). It bears large greenish-white floral trusses on 6- 8 feet tall branches; beautiful for use as cut (fresh or dried) flowers. Here are three panicle hydrangeas that are also very popular. Vanilla Strawberry™ hydrangea […]

Globe Amaranth (Gomphrena)

Three important objectives of area gardeners are: 1. Inviting more pollinators, 2. Growing more natives, and 3. Reducing garden maintenance. Gomphrenas, aka Globe amaranths, are becoming more recognized as outstanding annual flowering plants for Tennessee/Virginia/North Carolina gardens. Gomphrenas are North American natives (Texas, New Mexico, and northeastern Mexico) and are blooming machines in the heat, the […]

Coneflower Variety Trials At MT. Cuba Center

Coneflowers (Echinacea spp) are immensely popular native flowering perennials prized for their summer floral beauty. Nine species of Echinacea are native in North America and are found primarily in the central and southeastern U.S. Additionally, some populations of Echinacea angustifolia extend from the U.S. northwards into southcentral Canada. Since the 1990s, a boom in Echinacea breeding has resulted in large numbers of new […]

Eight Colorful Annuals Thrive In Shade

1. Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) are excellent shade plants, traditionally planted in hanging baskets and window boxes. Asparagus fern (Asparagus springeri) is also nice additions to shady areas.  2. Coleus (Solenostemon) are known for their colorful foliage is nice in a pot or around trees or shrubs. For moderately shady areas, select the Mosaic™ or Kong™ series. 3. Begonias […]

Five Redbuds With Dynamite Seasonal Foliage

Here are five notable redbuds (Cercis canadensis) possessing colorful summer foliage. Of note, the first 3 of 5 varieties are the creation of noted plant breeder Dr. Dennis Werner of NC State University in Raleigh. Flame Thrower® has stunning eye-catching foliage color breakthrough in the world of redbuds. It is marketed as Eternal Flame® in Europe. […]

Hardy Zone 6 Camellias

In the Southern U.S., camellias are treasured for their showy flowers in the fall-winter landscape. Their glossy evergreen foliage looks great all year long. Hardy varieties are now available for zone 6 northern gardens (-10 to 0 °F). Essentially, gardeners can raise camellias in Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and in most coastal cities along the East […]

More Cool Small Flowering Shrubs

For many urban gardeners, landscape space is very limited. Here are several showy shrub choices along walkways and perennial border, and in deck and patio containers. Each year the list of dwarf shrubs continues to get longer. They are low maintenance, including very little annual pruning. Shrub Roses – like Drift™ and Flower Carpet™ roses- […]