Shasta daisies (Leucanthemum x superbum) is a European native that has naturalized in most areas of North America (zones 5-9). Truly low care perennials, Shasta daisies come back every spring and bloom reliably from early summer into early fall (if deadheaded). Some varieties, ‘Becky’ for example, are multi-year top performers. Shasta daisies tend to form clumps, […]
Archive for the ‘Container garden’ Category
Seven Picks For Your Summer Shade Garden
1. Coleus (Solenostemon) are known for their colorful foliage in containers around trees or shrubs. For shady areas select the Kong Mosaic™ or Wizard™ series. 2. Begonias, as a group, represent lots of variety series. Most garden begonia varieties should do well in beds, planters and pots. Begonia types like the Rex and Angel Wing are grown […]
Three Cool Sedges (Carex)
Over the past decade Japanese Sedges (Carex spp.) have become popular in U.S. gardens. Uncertain which ones to plant – here are three that are easy to grow and require little maintenance. The following three clump-forming evergreen Japanese sedges flaunt arching, green and white variegated grass-like foliage. Tiny insignificant, brown flower spikes arise on long stems […]
Growing Cosmos
Cosmos are native to Mexico. In the U.S. these old-fashion annuals bloom throughout the summer months and attract birds, bees, and butterflies to your garden. They produce colorful 2- to 4-inch wide daisy-like flowers that sit atop 3-5 feet tall slender stems. Cosmos make excellent cut flowers and dwarf forms are ideal in containers. Annual cosmos […]
Ashe Magnolia
Ashe magnolia (Magnolia macrophylla subsp. Ashei) is a small 10-20 feet tree with enormous leaf and flower sizes (zone (5)6-9). Anindividual white flower measures 6- 12 inches across with a purple blotch at the base of 3 inner petal-like tepals. Ashe magnolia blooms in late May – early June in Tennessee. Many of the white […]
Elephant Ears In The Garden
If gardeners want to add some tropical punch to the garden, elephant ears (Colocasia esculenta) and a close botanical cousin (Alocasia) are one of the first plants that I recommend (USDA hardiness zones 7b-10). Also called ornamental taro, plants take off and grow rapidly after spring planting (when all threats of freeze injury have waned). […]
Mountain Laurels – A Native Shrub Many Gardeners Forget To Plant
Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia) is a U.S. native broadleaf evergreen shrub (USDA hardiness zone 5 – 7(8)). Whether you are hiking through area woodlands or driving through Biltmore Estates in Asheville, NC, flowering mountain laurels dominate the May-June landscape in Northeast Tennessee or Western North Carolina. Mature shrub sizes range from 5 feet (dwarf cultivars) […]
Planting A Tropical Look In Your Temperate Garden
This summer, whether you garden in Florida or Michigan, you can enjoy the tropical look in your garden with these 5 leafy plants, which are classified as “foliage annuals” because they are hardy in zones 10-12. Caricature Plant (Graptophyllum pictum) in its natural tropical habitat grows 6-9 feet tall, typically 4-5 feet tall in zone […]
Annuals To Plant In 2021
I spend spring, summer, and fall months visiting public gardens mostly in the eastern and southeast U.S. (Ohio/Pennsylvania south to Florida with camera in hand). I get ideas of new flowers to plant in my garden next year. Here are five flowering annuals that caught my attention. Begonia ‘Canary Wing’ – this golden leaf plant […]