Archive for the ‘Fall Garden Interest’ Category

Not New –Still Top Landscape Performers

A senior gardener knows that many new plant cultivars (varieties) are often no better than what had come before. Many “superstar” shrubs, some released a decade or more ago, are still topnotch performers in many parts of the U.S. Here are six which I continue to recommend highly. ‘Low &Behold® Blue Chip Jr.’ Butterfly Bush is a super compact 18-30 […]

Alexandrian Laurel For Deep Shade

Alexandrian Laurel or Poet’s Laurel (Danae racemosa) is a wonderful evergreen shrub that is rarely planted in U.S. gardens. Danae is indigenous to Iran and Syria. This evergreen shrub needs partial to full shade and the warm climes of southeast or Pacific northwest states (USDA hardiness zones 6 – 9). If winters are exceptionally cold […]

Favorites For The Shade

Here are ten of my favorite perennial plants for shady areas (USDA hardiness zones 4-7). All prosper in 1-2  hours of early morning sunlight and in humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil.  Mulch to conserve moisture and suppress weeds. Hosta – unquestionably the shade favorite of  U.S. gardeners.  A low maintenance plant that returns every spring with lush […]

Geraniums Enjoy The Cool Autumn Season

  Annual geraniums (Pelargonium x hortorum) are popular bedding plants in the garden or in all kinds of containers including window boxes or hanging baskets. Color choices include red, pink, rose, salmon, orange, lavender, violet, or white. High summer heat is challenging for all geraniums. Some types of geraniums stop blooming completely and perk up […]

Fall Trimming Of Perennials

You do not need to cut perennials back in the fall, but many gardeners do so as part of the garden cleanup. Don’t rush the job. Leaves of many perennial plants continue to produce and store carbohydrates in crowns and roots until they go fully dormant. Wait until after the first hard frost or until […]

Multi-Purpose Lavender Spur Flowers Sparkle In The Cool Fall Air

  Lavender Spur Flower (Plectranthus Mona Lavender™) is a fast growing flowering annuial that is full of lavender blue flowers from late summer to autumn frost (USDA hardiness zones 9-11). Flowers can usually cope with light frosts of 25 – 30° F in early autumn.  Plants grow 2 to 2.5 feet tall and wide forming […]

Plant Late For Fall Pollinators

Don’t give up gardening in the fall. Many beneficial insects depend on the terrific job that you are doing. The following is a sample listing of annuals and perennials that can employ to support pollinators in the fall. Included are many fall-blooming annuals and perennials. When designing a pollinator-friendly landscapes, include an adequate number of these fall-blooming plants […]

Saving Heirloom Seeds

At the end of each growing season, you may choose to collect seeds from favorite flowering annuals and vegetables to holdover and plant in next year’s garden. Some may be heirloom varieties that you have saved for many years because you like their productivity or flavor. Note: these seeds should not be “hybrids”. Hybrids represent a cross between […]

Longwood’s Chrysanthemum Festival

  As fall mums are finishing up in our gardens, Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA has debut their annual chrysanthemum display in the Conservatory. More than 17,000 chrysanthemums were nurtured and trained, some for more than a year by their talented horticultural staff to resemble balls, spirals, columns, pagodas, and more. It is the […]

Franklinia Will Survive If…

Franklinia (Franklinia altamaha) is admittedly a very finicky large shrub or small tree. Pure white, five-petal, 2 ½ – 3 inch camellia-like flowers bloom sporadically from August thru mid-October. Flowers are slightly fragrant. In the fall glossy green leaves gradually transition to blends of red, orange and burgundy hues. Franklinia grows best on an eastern exposure […]