Although wild gingers, Asarum and Hexastylis species, can be found the world over, most are indigenous to the shaded woodlands of Asia, Europe, and North America. Wild gingers are members of the Aristolochiaceae (Birthwort family). Several species of Hexastylis and Asarum grow exceptionally well in the Southern Appalachian region (Zones 5b-7b). New varieties continue the marketplace. Wild gingers are frequently planted as […]
Archive for the ‘Spring flowering’ Category
Wild Ginger
Wild ginger (Asarum canadense) is a U.S. native spring wildflower which grows in rich garden and woodland soils. Wild ginger is a stemless 4-8-inch-tall plant (8 -10 inches wide) which features distinctive downy, basal, dark green foliage. Leaves are heart-shaped to kidney-shaped, and delicately veined, and up to 6 inches wide. Cup-shaped, purplish brown, 3 […]
Christmas Rose
Christmas roses (Helleborus niger), aka Christmas roses, are early winter flowering lenten roses. They bloom around Christmas time if winter temps are generally still mild. Based on the severity of winter temps, start of bloom date will vary considerably between H. niger and the more popular Helleborus x hybridus (H. x orientalis). (USDA hardiness zones […]
Summer Snowflakes (Leucojum)
Summer snowflakes originate from Europe and northern Africa and are carefree spring-blooming bulbs. They belong to the Amaryllis (Amaryllidaceae) botanical family and are critter proof. (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). Flowers and foliage are similar to snowdrops, but snowflakes grow twice as tall and bloom about 2-3 months later, usually just after most daffodils. Pure white, […]
Container Design – List Of Spillers
Spiller plants are species that trail over the edge of the pot with a cascading growth habit. Combined with erect-growing “thriller” plants as the focal point in container gardens, spillers bring texture, color, and visual interest to the rest of the pot. Trailing plants provide a “full look”, draping over edges of hanging baskets and […]
Native Sedum (Three-leaved Stonecrop)
Three leaved Stonecrop (Sedum ternatum), aka mountain stonecrop, whorled stonecrop), is a small, spreading, Eastern U.S. perennial (USDA hardiness zone 4 to 8). In its natural habitat, this native sedum is found in damp sites along stream banks, bluff bases and stony ledges. Stonecrops are in the Crassulaceae family. Mountain stonecrop grows 2-6 inches high […]
Summer – Fall Care Of Oakleaf Hydrangeas
Oakleaf hydrangea is an upright, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub that is native in the Southeastern U.S. (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). Oakleaf hydrangea should be planted in a sheltered location and winter protection (e.g., mulch, burlap wrap) in northerly areas USDA Zone 5, particularly when not fully established. Oakleaf grows in moist, fertile, well-drained soil in sun […]
Ten Powerhouse Summer Flowering Perennials
For many years of floral beauty in your perennial garden, get off to a good start. Plant in an area in full or partial sun along with good air circulation to avoid mildew and leaf spot disease problems. Before planting, generously amend soil with compost and well-drained ground. Irrigate the first year to establish the landscape planting. […]
Celebrate Three New Summerific® Hibiscus Varieties
Summerific® is a trademarked series of Rose Mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos) from Walters Gardens Inc. in Zeeland, Michigan. It is a native perennial hibiscus that emerges from the soil in late spring and grows rapidly. Both their huge flowers and foliage are natural focal points in the summer garden. This long-lived perennial can be utilized as […]