Archive for the ‘acidic soil’ Category

Avoiding Slug Problems On Hostas

  Finding slug resistance among hosta varieties is relative. By late summer, you will find some holes in leaves in almost every variety, some a lot worst than others. There are ways to reduce slug injury in your host plantings. Weather is a key factor. Wet summers means higher slug and snail populations. Dry summers is […]

‘Furman’s Red’ Sage For Long Blooming Period

Texas sage (Salvia greggii) is a low bushy native perennial or woody shrub. It is native to Texas south to Mexico and varieties come in white, red and purple. It has proven to be exceptionally cold hardy (USDA hardiness zones 5b-9). Furman’s Red sage is a superior cultivar here in the Southern Appalachian region.Flowering is best in spring, less […]

Late Summer Bulbous Beauties – Spider Lily and Fall Crocus

Spider lilies (Lycoris radiata) go by a number of colloquial names including resurrection flower, surprise lily, and naked ladies. Naked 1-2 foot tall flower scapes bear 4-6 bright coral-red flowers. Each 2- inch long flower exhibit reflexed tepals and long protruding stamens resembling spider legs (common name “spider lilies”). Almost overnight, the leafless flower spikes […]

“Plant It Pink” Planting Program

  To build awareness and show support for those affected by breast cancer, over 40 volunteers filled public gardens and surrounding areas with pink plants in downtown Haslett, a suburb of Lansing, MI. The Invincibelle® Spirit II hydrangeas are a beautiful reminder that we are not alone in our hopes and prayers for a cure. […]

Seeding Shady Areas Of Your Property

How many times have you been told: “you can’t grow lawn grass in shady areas”. Most lawn grasses perform best in full sunlight. Red or chewings fescues (Festuca rubra) perform under as little as 2-3 hours of direct or dappled sunlight. Shade fescues are relatively easy to maintain. Mowing height should be 2 inches high in […]

Flowering Cabbage and Kale For Autumn Gardens

            Creating both edible and ornamentally pleasing vegetables has been a goal of plant breeders. Flowering cabbage and kale (Brassica oleracea) are a new landscaping niche in the autumn garden. Plants develop huge leafy rosettes and eventually form heads. Color patterns on leaves include white, cream, red and purple shades. The […]

Japanese Asters (Kalimeris) Are Summer-blooming Gems

Double Japanese asters (Kalimeris pinnatifida) are not true asters. They bloom in summer unlike the more popular fall blooming asters (Symphyotrichum spp.). Essentially, the genus Kalimeris (from Asia) and Boltonia (U.S. native) are closely related and used interchangeably. ‘Pinnatifida’ is without question the best known cultivar. In August the plant is smothered with 1-inch diameter semi-double white daisy flowers […]

New PG Hydrangeas Excel In Performance

Panicle, PeeGee or PG hydrangeas (Hydrangea panculata) brighten up the July and August garden landscape. They’re native to China and Japan. They grow and bloom almost anywhere in the U.S. (USDA hardiness zones 3 – 8). Unlike mophead hydrangeas (H. macrophylla), that often fail in full day sun, PGs excel in 6 hours or more of sun. PG hydrangeas are vigorous growers with upright branching and coarse textured […]

Garden Phlox – Select Mildew Resistant Varieties

              Garden phlox (Phlox paniculata), aka summer phlox, is native from New York to Iowa south to Georgia, Mississippi and Arkansas (USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8(9)). They are valued for their long beautiful floral display and fragrance. In the wild phlox grow it in moist, rich open woodlands, […]

Joe Pye Weed Is No Longer A “Weed”

                U.S. native Joe Pye (Eupatorium spp.), formerly “Joe Pye Weed”, has been tamed. Modern day selections grow more compact compared to 8+ feet tall wildlings that inhabit fields across eastern North America (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). Huge, terminal, domed, compound flower heads measure 12-18 inches across (depending on cultivar) and make […]