Archive for the ‘compost’ Category

Seven Late Summer Perennial Gems

The following seven (7) perennials provide gorgeous floral color in mixed perennial beds in late summer and into fall. Flowers attract pollinators, including lots of bees, butterflies, and an occasional hummingbird. ‘Blue Fortune’ Giant Hyssop (Agastache x ‘Blue Fortune’) offers lavender-blue flowers during a long hot summer extending into early fall. Leaves emit a minty-anise […]

Beebalm (Monarda) Varieties Attract Hummingbirds, Butterflies And Moths

In 2016 Mt. Cuba Center in Greenville DE enlisted a team of trained volunteers to monitor the visitation of hummingbirds, moths, and butterflies in the 40 cultivar beebalm (Monarda) trial. Their goal was to systematically observe and note the cultivars that were most frequently visited by these pollinators. Below is a listing of the five […]

Two Kinds Of Maidenhair Ferns

Maidenhair ferns (Adiantum spp.) are deciduous hardy perennial ferns. Two native species are commonly planted in U.S. gardens. These delicate-looking ferns typically grow 1 to 2 feet tall and frequently grow in rich soils in eastern and Midwest U.S. woodland gardens. The palmately compound fronds are finely-textured along with thin wiry black stems. Coiled young […]

Calibrachoas (Million Bells*)

Gardeners have discovered Million Bells* (Calibrachoa x hybrida), a small flowering cousin of the petunia. Million Bells are prolific bloomers and produce one-inch mini-blossoms. They were first marketed to home gardeners in the 1990’s. They’re native to Peru, Brazil, and Chile, and are commonly grown as annuals in the U.S. Over the past twenty years […]

Wet And Wonderful

Two outstanding summer flowering perennials are Rodgersia (two forms) and Ligularia. Both are grown for their broad foliage and showy flowers. They share one special need: consistent soil moisture through the spring and summer months. Don’t attempt to grow either one of these awesome plants unless their water needs will be satisfied. These plants prefer wet, boggy feet (roots). Rodgersias […]

Yellow Flowering Magnolias

Deciduous magnolias (Magnolia spp.) are popular landscape plants because of their bright cheery spring flowers. Breeding efforts back in the 1970’s created a new class of deciduous yellow-flowering magnolias. In 1978, the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens introduced the first, Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’ (creamy white). Yellow magnolias are hybrid crosses between  M. acuminata, M. subcordata, M. denudata, among […]

Care Of Rhododendrons

In the U.S., two species of rhododendrons, Catawa (Rhododendron catawbiensis) and Rosebay (R. maximum), are plentiful in the Appalachian Mountain region. Their roots feed in part on the rich humus material in the rocky mountain soils. Over time fallen leaves, twigs, and flower parts decay into additional humus. Humus improves soil aeration and drainage, yet […]

Zone 6 Hardy Camellias

In the Southern U.S., camellias are treasured for their showy flowers in the fall-winter landscape. Their glossy evergreen foliage looks great all year long. Hardy varieties are now available for zone 6 northern gardens (-10 to 0 °F). This means that gardeners in Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and most coastal cities in Eastern U.S. can grow […]

There Is Nothing “Minor” About These Bulbs

Companion bulbs, often called “minor bulbs”, are early signs that spring is coming. Three of the most reliable are snowdrops, winter aconites and Glory of the snow. They bloom before crocus in winter. Winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) returns with floral beauty less than three months after planting. Plants poke through the ground, grow and flower 3 to 6 […]

‘Early Bird’ Blooming Bulbs

These tiny flowering bulbs are truly early birds. Fall planted bulbs often emerge in late January and February here in the Southern Appalachian region. Once they are up and blooming, frigid temps don’t damage the flowers or plants. Instead,  the winter weather causes the hardy blooms to last and last in February and March. They often […]