Archive for the ‘Farfugium’ Category

Marginal Plants For Wet Areas

Most perennials demand well-drained soil. They perform poorly or die out when in ground that is constantly wet and soggy. However, a small number of perennials tolerate and even thrive in moist soils.  Most plants listed here are all hardy within zones 5-8, and grow best in moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil. Most are okay getting their feet (roots and crown) wet for […]

Wet And Wonderful

Two outstanding summer flowering perennials are Rodgersia (two forms) and Ligularia. Both are grown for their broad foliage and showy flowers. They share one special need: consistent soil moisture through the spring and summer months. Don’t attempt to grow either one of these awesome plants unless their water needs will be satisfied. These plants prefer wet, boggy feet (roots). Rodgersias […]