Morning glory vines (Ipomoea tricolor) add a dash of old fashion charm to today’s gardens. YES! these aggressive vines demand a high degree of attention. Their funnel or tubular-shaped flowers open in the morning and close late in the afternoon. In a single growing season, vines may grow 6 to 12 feet and more (depending on variety). Morning […]
Archive for the ‘compost’ Category
Texas Elephant Ears Study*
Dr. Jared Barnes and colleagues at Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches, Texas, trialed 46 Colocasia species/cultivars over two years to determine what performed best over a two-year growing period. First of all, Nacogdoches is in east Texas (Zone 8-b) and typifies the upper coastal plain, stretching from there east to South Carolina. Cultivars were […]
Ligularias For Moist Sites
Ligularias (ligs) are big leafy perennials whose roots must be kept constantly moist so that plants don’t wilt or “faint”. An established plant may tolerate several days in dry soil, yet the droopy foliage will recover from the water loss each night. Several species are tropical (under the genus Farfugium). Bigleaf ligs (L. dentata) and narrow-spiked ligularias (L. stenocephala), […]
Growing Castor Bean Plant
Over the years castor bean (Ricinus communis) plants have been a common sight in public gardens. These tall ornamental annuals are cherished for both their colorful flowers and seed capsules, and bold foliage. The species, a botanical member of the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae), is indigenous to the southeastern Mediterranean region, Eastern Africa, and India. Unlike many spurges, the […]
Korean Sweetheart Tree
The late Dr. J. C. Raulston, N.C. State University horticulture professor emeritus, discovered Korean sweetheart tree (Euscaphis japonica) in 1985 on the Korean Peninsula while participating in a U.S. National Arboretum collection expedition (USDA hardiness zones 6-8). Dr. Raulston brought seeds back to the N.C. State Arboretum for assessment and evaluation. The species common name “sweetheart […]
New Angelface Angelonias Produce Larger Flowers
Angelonias, aka summer snapdragons, (Angelonia angustifolia) hail from Mexico. Angelonias are top performing summer flowering annuals (USDA zones 9 -11). The AngelFace® series were recently developed by Proven Winners (PW). Plants are covered with snapdragon-like blooms up and down the floral stems, 18-24 inches high and 12-18 inches wide. Angelface series boast slightly larger green leaves and bigger blooms than […]
Fill Summer Flower Beds With Annual Rudbeckias
Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) is a native wildflower. Annual or biennial forms are also called gloriosa daisy and brown-eyed Susan. In recent years public urban gardens are growing annual types. From summer into early autumn, brown-eyed Susans produce showy daisy-like blossoms up to 3-inches across with light or deep yellow rays and brownish-purple centers (“buttons”). Their cut flowers will decorate households. This coarse weedy […]
Heat Loving Annuals For Containers
Not all annuals grow well in containers. An aggressively growing annual may not be a suitable companion plant in containers. Small containers dry out quickly. Large containers, a minimum of 16 inches across, should be your beginner size. For an eye-catching container garden, utilize plants that require the same care but differ in colors, heights, […]
Three July Blooming Trees (Other Than Crapemyrtles)
Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) is a 10-15 feet tall, vase-shaped, deciduous shrub or a small 15-20 foot tree. The species is native from southern Europe and Asia. Often mistaken as a purple-flowering crapemyrtle, vitex is grown where wintry weather is not severe (USDA hardiness zones 6-9). Its palmately compound grayish-green leaves, composed of 5-7 lance-shaped leaflets, are […]
Multi-Use Bowles’ Golden Sedge
Bowles’ golden sedge (Carex elata ‘Aurea’) is an easy to grow sedge (USDA hardiness zones 5-8). Golden sedge was introduced by English plantsman and garden writer E.A. Bowles who discovered it growing in eastern England. Bowles’ Golden sedge grows 1 ½ to nearly 3 feet high (in flower) and 2-3 feet wide. It features bright lemon- […]