Archive for the ‘Drought tolerant’ Category

All About Flowering Quinces

Flowering Quince (Chaenomeles speciosa) is a deciduous shrub in the Rose (Rosaceae) family and related to apple and pear (Zones 5-9). It is native to China and is relatively easy to grow. Plant quince in moist, well-drained soil; it flowers best in full sun but is moderately shade tolerant. Feed quince shrubs annually in early […]

Varieties Of Crape Myrtles

Crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia x indica) are small flowering trees and shrubs that are native to Asia and have naturalized in the Deep South of the U.S. Back in the 1970’s thru the 1990’s, plant breeders at the U.S. National Arboretum released 35 winter hardy varieties, named after North American Indian tribes. They varied in sizes […]

Selecting and Pruning Crape Myrtles

Crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia x indica) are small flowering trees and shrubs. Indigenous to Asia, they have naturalized in our U.S. Deep South. Winter hardiness is a key concern (USDA Hardiness Zones 6-9). Back in the 1970’s thru the 1990’s, plant breeders at the U.S. National Arboretum released 35 winter hardy varieties, named after North American […]

Winter Blooming Vernal Witchhazel

Vernal witchhazel is a U.S. native to the Ozark Plateau extending from southern Missouri through northwestern Arkansas to eastern Oklahoma. It is among the easiest of shrubs to grow @ 10-12 feet tall and two-thirds as wide. Roots spreads by underground stoloniferous. The leaves are oval, 23⁄4–5 inches long and 2 1/2 –5 inches wide and are slightly oblique at […]

Large Bulbous Alliums

The huge ornamental ball-types flowering onions (Allium spp.) are standouts in the late spring/early summer garden (Zones 5-9). Bulbous alliums are both architectural and colorful wonders. Bulbs are planted in the fall. Bulbous alliums require full sun for best growth. They make stunning garden borders, beds, and cottage gardens. They have a major visual impact […]

Poison Ivy

“Leaves of three, let it be”.  Parents teach their young children about this green plant menace — Eastern poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans). The plant is familiar to hikers and gardeners alike. Poison ivy is native throughout the United States and much of southern Canada and can be found in a wide variety of places from […]

Three Standout Pfitzer Junipers

Pfitzer junipers (Juniperus x pfitzeriana) are standouts in the winter landscape (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). Many varieties are utilized as groundcovers. Pfitzers are easy care, low maintenance plants when properly sited in full sun and well drained. Around coastal areas, pfitzers are moderately resistant to salt injury. Give pfitzers lots of space. Their plume-like evergreen […]

Three Hybrid Oaks Grow Tall And Narrow

Where space is limited, such as along a narrow thoroughfare or snuggled up near a downtown building, here are three (plus two others pictured here) columnar oaks that you can depend upon. Beacon® is a hybrid swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor) discovered by famed plantsman Dr. Michael Dirr and introduced by J. Frank Schmidt Nursery in […]

Bigroot Cranesbill

Bigroot Cranesbill (Geranium macrorrhizum) is a favorite, easy to grow plant that forms a dense weed-resistant ground cover with attractive foliage and flowers. (USDA zones 4 – 8). This “cranesbill” is a true perennial geranium. It is a rhizomatous semi-evergreen perennial, native to southern Europe, typically grows to 12 inches tall and to 24 inches or […]

Worst Weed Ever Is Here?

Mulberryweed (Fatoua villosa) is not related to mulberry trees but its leaves look a little like mulberry foliage. A native of eastern Asia, it was introduced into North America in the latter half of the 20th century.  Currently, it is seen in the Southeastern United States from Maryland to Florida, west to Texas and Oklahoma, north […]