Cannova® Cannas (Canna x generalis) are one of a new series of seed produced hybrid cannas. In addition to profuse flowering, they’re highly rated for their compact bushy plant habit and ability to form multiple shoots. They bloom earlier and continue nonstop through summer up to first frost. Their bold, […]
Archive for the ‘Fertilizing plants’ Category
Three Easy Care Native Woody Plants
Red buckeye (Aesculus pavia) is a nearly perfect small native tree for either a full or part sun site. Decorative 5 to 9 inches long reddish flower candles form on tips of branches in late April and May (USDA hardiness zones 6 – 8). Hummingbirds will seek out the […]
Patio Peach Blooms In Early Spring
For small garden spaces patio peach (Prunus persica) is a gem. This miniature tree bears long narrow lush green (or reddish) foliage. Site selection is crucial to ward off potential disease and insect problems. Patio peach is a genetic dwarf and may be grown in a large container on your deck or patio. Tree height averages 6-8 feet tall […]
Growing Tomatoes 101
Tomato plants are at their best grown in full sun, adequately fertilized and spaced, and staked or caged for support. Have a backup disease control plan in case. Most tomato plants are set out as transplants, since it takes several weeks longer to harvest those direct seeded into garden soil. Transplanting means earlier harvests. Those gardeners […]
Slow Release Fertilizers Save Money
On garden center shelves in the spring are slow-release fertilizers. Trade names include Scotts®, Osmocote®, Fertilome®, Hi-Yield®, and Vigoro®. Many are formulated for lawn use. Cost for these products are more than traditional granular fertilizers but prices have dropped over the years and they are better to use environmentally. How do you compare and […]
Broadleaved Sedges- Colorful Alternatives To Liriope
The broadleaved sedges (Carex siderosticha) make terrific alternatives to monkey grass (Liriope muscari) (USDA hardiness zones 6-9). This species of sedges is a clump growing perennial and is starting to become more used as a ground cover. Clumps spread very slowly via rhizomes. Foliage goes dormant in late November (zone 6) and is semi-evergreen in zones 8-9. New leaves emerge in mid-spring. […]
Changing Bigleaf Hydrangea Flower Color
Bigleaf hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla), aka “hortensia” hydrangeas, bear pink flowers in low acidic and alkaline soil and blue flowers in mildly acidic soil. Some tips about regulating soil pH and flower color in bigleaf hydrangeas follows. First, a short review about soil pH. Soil pH measures soil […]
Distyliums As Cherry Laurel Or Holly Substitute
Hybrid distyliums (Distylium myricoides × racemosum) are compact evergreen shrubs for full sun to partial shade USDA hardiness zones 7 to 9. They are heat and drought tolerant, and are not fussy, growing in average soil with subpar drainage. Distyliums are members of the witchhazel family (Hamamelidaceae). Their tiny reddish-maroon flowers appear in late January through March, but offer little ornamental value in the […]
Peace Lily And Anthurium Plants Around Home Or Office
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) and anthurium are near perfect foliage plants in poorly lit areas around your home or office. They’re native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. Both plants are shade-lovers in their native habitats. Direct sunlight for more than one hour will likely burn leaves. They’re members […]
Growing Orchids Is A Great Hobby
At one time growing orchids was an elitist hobby for the very rich in our society. Orchids were expensive to purchase. Today, local greenhouses and garden centers sell orchids at affordable prices. Moth (Phalaenopsis) and lady slipper orchids (Paphiopedilum) are the simplest to grow. Here are some easy tips to […]