Starting in late February, Japanese cornel (C. officinalis) burst into bloom with clusters of yellow flowers (zones 5–8). Native to Japan, China, and Korea, this lovely small tree (or large shrub) is one of a few plants that is an early harbinger of spring. Here are notable cultivars: ‘Sunsphere’ grows 20-25 feet high and is an exceptional heavy bloomer with […]
Archive for the ‘mulching’ Category
Eleven Popular Perennials In The U.S.
Today’s most popular perennials are ones asking for low maintenance and have few to no bug or disease problems. Cutflowers may be used in fresh cut and in dried arrangements. Coneflowers (Echinacea x) – native coneflowers are tough and pretty; flower colors: purple, white, orange, red, yellow. Compact coneflower series (16 to 30 inches tall): […]
Four Tree Conifers Which Should Be Planted More
Nordmann fir (Abies nordmanniana), aka Caucasian fir, is native to the Caucasus Mountains (USDA hardiness zones 4-6). This dense pyramidal conifer grows to 50 feet tall and 20 feet wide and are typically branched to the ground. Their flat dark green shiny needles (up to 1 ¼ inches long) feature two white bands on the […]
So Many Great Amsonias
Amsonias, commonly called blue star, are a group of easy-to-grow, long-lived native perennials. These highly dependable plants offer three-seasons of landscape interest: showy, long-lasting blooms in spring (mostly in May); threadlike green foliage in summer; and yellow foliage in fall. Amsonias are native primarily to North America and belong to the dogbane plant family (Apocynaceae). This clump-forming perennial has […]
Raked Leaves Improve Garden Soil
Don’t rake and send fallen leaves to urban landfills. In a recent poll, nearly one-third of weekly disposable materials are composed of yard waste, newspapers, and food waste. Many of your neighbors are sending bags of “nutrient gold” to landfills. Improve your gardening skills and save money. Adding fallen leaves back into the garden is […]
Hawthorn Trees In The Landscape
The world of hawthorns (Crataegus spp.) includes several outstanding landscape trees that exhibit four-season ornamental interest: 1. spring flowering, 2. disease-free summer foliage, 3. variable fall leaf color, and 4. colorful fruits for wildlife in the fall and winter months. World-wide, hawthorns are native to temperate regions of North America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa, […]
Perennials With Great Autumn Leaf Color
In addition to foliage changes seen in landscape trees and shrubs, a select number of perennials contribute to the autumnal leaf colors. Here is a select list of popular perennials endeared for their autumnal foliage hues. Arkansas bluestar (Amsonia hubrichtii) – stunning golden foliage beginning in late September. Bloody cranesbill (Geranium sanguineum) – geranium ground […]