Archive for the ‘Planting tips’ Category

Tips On Growing Fern Leaf Peony

Fernleaf peony (Paeonia tenuifolia), sometimes called “fennel peony”, is recognized principally for its finely dissected foliage. When properly sited and cared for, it is a low maintenance perennial. This uniquely different peony is native in parts of Eastern Europe (USDA hardiness zones 4 – 8). Peonies perform best in well-drained, evenly moist, compost rich soil with […]

Fall Color Of Ornamental Grasses

Muhly Grass (Muhlenbergeri capillaris) grows 3-4 feet with blemish-free green foliage all summer long. By early fall, its bright colored floral seed heads (inflorescenses) are showing up, which gives Muhly its decorative look. ‘Pink Muhly’ tends to grow floppy and struts pink-hued inflorescenses that shimmer in a breeze. ‘White Cloud’ is a white flowering form […]

Blackgum (Tupelo) – Fall Leaf Color And Fruit Attract Birds And Other Wildlife

Black tupelo, blackgum, or sourgum tree (Nyssa sylvatica), its three common regional names, is native to Eastern North America from the New England states, down south into Florida, and as far west as Eastern Texas (USDA hardiness zones 4-9). Mature blackgums reach heights of 60 feet and taller and 20 – 25 feet width that […]

Protect Your Home Against Artillery Fungus

If you notice tiny black specks covering your home or garage siding or coating your auto parked nearby. The problem may be artillery fungus, also called shotgun or cannonball fungus (Sphaerobolus). Tiny fungal spores, barely 2 millimeters wide, propel themselves up to 20 feet away from the ground onto vertical surfaces. The fungus generally targets […]

Choices Of Inkberry Hollies

Inkberry holly (Ilex glabra), also called gallberry, is a slow-growing broadleaf evergreen shrub (USDA hardiness zones 4-9). Inkberry grows 5 to 8 feet tall. In the wild, it spreads in the ground via root suckers to form colonies. The species is native from coastal Canada to Florida, west to Louisiana at home in sandy woodlands and […]

Many Kinds Of Deodar Cedars

Deodar Cypress Himalayan cedar (Cedrus deodara), aka Deodar Cedar, is indigenous from northern India, east to Nepal, and northward through Pakistan and Afghanistan (USDA hardiness zones (6b)7-10). In the U.S., this evergreen conifer grows 60-70 feet high and 40 feet wide in 50 years. It offers year-round interest by way of its lovely pyramidal form […]

Perennials With Great Autumn Foliage

Bloody cranesbill (Geranium sanguineum) – short 9-12 inches high clump forming groundcover that bears purple flowers in May-June. Its deeply cut foliage green leaves turn shades of red after first frost. (Zones 3-8). Red leaf mukdenia (Mukdenia rossii) – fanned, maple-like leaves emerge bright green in spring, age to bronze-green in summer, and finish green […]

Marginal Plants For Wet Areas

Most perennials demand well-drained soil. They perform poorly or die out when in ground that is constantly wet and soggy. However, a small number of perennials tolerate and even thrive in moist soils.  Most plants listed here are all hardy within zones 5-8, and grow best in moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil. Most are okay getting their feet (roots and crown) wet for […]

Celebrate Summerific® Rose Mallow (Hibiscus) Week

Perennial hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos) is commonly known as rose mallow or dinner plate size hibiscus. Blooms measure a huge 7-9 inches across. Plants are exceptionally hardy, and can withstand winters as cold as zone 4 (-20°F to -30°F) in Minnesota (zone 4) and the heat of zone 9 (20°F -30°F) in Florida. Each flower lasts […]

Seven Late Summer Perennial Gems

The following seven (7) perennials provide gorgeous floral color in mixed perennial beds in late summer and into fall. Flowers attract pollinators, including lots of bees, butterflies, and an occasional hummingbird. ‘Blue Fortune’ Giant Hyssop (Agastache x ‘Blue Fortune’) offers lavender-blue flowers during a long hot summer extending into early fall. Leaves emit a minty-anise […]