Archive for the ‘Propagation (Cuttings)’ Category

Native Plumleaf Azalea Blooms In Late July

Plumleaf azalea (Rhododendron prunifolium) is a native deciduous azalea that grows in the Chattahoochee River Valley on the Georgia-Alabama line (USDA hardiness zones 6-9). It is one of the signature plants of Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Georgia. Their bright orange-red flowers surprise in late July into early Augusta and blooms may last for 2 weeks or […]

Very Rare Chinese Emmenopterys Tree

Chinese Emmenopterys (Emmenopterys henryi) is rare in the wilds of China, and may be even rarer in cultivation (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). Discovered in 1907 by renowned botanist and plant hunter, Ernest H Wilson. He described it as: “…one of the most strikingly beautiful trees of Chinese forests.”  It should grow 30 + feet tall, […]

New Angelface Angelonias Produce Larger Flowers

Angelonias, aka summer snapdragons, (Angelonia angustifolia)  hail from Mexico.  Angelonias are top performing summer flowering annuals (USDA zones 9 -11). The AngelFace® series were recently developed by Proven Winners (PW).  Plants are covered with snapdragon-like blooms up and down the floral stems, 18-24 inches high and 12-18 inches wide. Angelface series boast slightly larger green leaves and bigger blooms than […]

Colorful ‘Sugar Tip’ Althea ( Rose Of Sharon)

Rose of Sharon or shrub althea (Hibiscus syriacus) is a vigorous, upright, multi-branched, deciduous shrub that generally grows 8-12 feet tall and 4-6 feet wide. Althea is native from eastern to central Asia (USDA hardiness zones 5-8). Sugar Tip® is a patented variety that features variegated creamy-white and blue-green foliage and soft pink double flowers. Leaf […]

Heat Loving Annuals For Containers

Not all annuals grow well in containers. An aggressively growing annual may not be a suitable companion plant in containers. Small containers dry out quickly. Large containers, a minimum of 16 inches across, should be your beginner size.  For an eye-catching container garden, utilize plants that require the same care but differ in colors, heights, […]

‘Herbstsonne’ Rudbeckias Fill Their Spot

For an old fashion plant ‘Herbstsonne’ (Rudbeckia laciniata) still pops up in many modern day gardens. It is a tall upright growing,  clump-forming perennial black-eyed Susan (USDA hardiness zones 5 to 9). This vigorous North American perennial grows 4-7+  feet tall and 2-3 feet wide. ‘Herbstsonne’ is also synonymous with the cultivar  ‘Autumn Sun’. Formerly […]

Berggarten Salvia Favors Both Gardeners And Culinary Afficiendos

Common sage (Salvia officinalis), a member of the mint family (Lamiaceae), is the culinary sage familiar to most cooks (USDA hardiness zones 5 to 8). The species grow 1.5 – 3 feet high and wide. Multitudes of showy two-lipped, 1-inch long, violet-blue flowers arise on short, upright spikes in late spring. Flowers attracts numerous bees […]

The Next Generation of Weigelas

  Weigela (Weigela florida) is old-fashioned shrub with rose colored blooms and arching branching habit in mid-spring. This shrub is native from Japan, Korea, and China (USDA hardiness zones 5-8). New hybrids of weigelas are arriving at garden centers this spring. Compared to previous cultivars that were 6-9 feet tall,  new introductions grow only 2-5 feet […]

Princess Flower Excels Where Summers Are Hot

Princess Flower or Glory Bush (Tibouchina spp.) is a tropical shrub (from Brazil) that produces beautiful showy purple flowers. It blooms over a long time span (USDA hardiness zones 9-12).  The most popular species in cultivation is T. urvilleana. A well-tended plant can be trained into a miniature tree in a large container for patios and decks. This […]

‘Alleghany’ Viburnum Is A Four Season Gem

Alleghany viburnum (Viburnum x rhytidophylloides ‘Alleghany’) aka lantanaphyllum viburnum, is a large easy to grow semi-evergreen (USDA hardiness zones 5-8). It will grow to about 10-12 feet tall and a spread of 12 feet at maturity. This low maintenance shrub is a hybrid cross between V. rhytidophyllum and V. lantana ‘Mohican’. The cross was made in […]