Archive for the ‘Garden Problems’ Category

Haworthias – Fun Care-Free Houseplants

Let’s look at haworthias (Haworthia spp.). Plant hobbiests rate them as fun collectables and ask for very little care. Haworthias have dark green leaves arranged in a rosette. Leaves are thick and fleshy and end in a pointed tip. Leaves feel leathery to the touch. These succulents are frequently sold as cacti at garden centers. […]

Earth Stars (Cryptanthus)

Cryptanthus bromeliads are more commonly known as “Earth Stars” and “Starfish plant”, a name they received because of the shape of their foliage. These mostly tropical plants are found in humid forested areas. Over 1,200 different varieties are cataloged worldwide and make great terrarium plants. Many flaunt beautiful foliage ranging from dark green, bright reds, […]

Snake Plant – Ideal House Plant For Home & Office

Snake plants, aka mother-in-law plant, mother-in-law’s tongue, (Sansevieria trifasciata) are one of the most popular houseplants. (USDA hardiness zones 9-11). Native to Africa, the Asian subcontinent, and Madagascar, these hard to kill plants are beloved for their architectural shape, tolerate neglect, and filter stale room air (NASA study). Snake plants are remarkably drought- and low […]

Chinese Paperbush (Edgeworthia)

If you garden in winter hardiness zones USDA zones 7 -10, Chinese paperbush (Edgeworthia chrysantha) should be a must-have winter flowering shrub. In my zone 6-b garden, my shrub struggled through its first winter and spring, but paperbush has never disappointed over its past 20 + years. A few gardeners living near me are also […]

Lots of Choices Growing Monstera

In recent years, Monstera plants have become wildly popular house plants. They’re indigenous to tropical areas of Central and South America. Approximately 50 different species are available at plant shoppes or online.  It is an understory plant that grow in the shade of tropical trees and other vegetation. Plants prefer filtered indirect light and avoid […]

Slipper Orchids (Paphiopedilum)

Slipper orchids (Paphiopedilum spp.) are a type of terrestrial orchid known for their pouch-shaped petals that resemble a dainty slipper. Paphs are low light tropicals. Unlike epiphytic orchids, which grow in trees in the humid tropics, these orchids grow on the floor of forests in their native Southeastern Asia. Paphs are relatively easy to grow […]

2025 Hosta OF The Year: ‘Skywriter’

Hosta ‘Skywriter’ has been selected as the 2025 Hosta of the Year. by the American Hosta Growers Association. ‘Skywriter’ is a blue hosta with a semi-upright habit that shows off the white undersides of the leaves and the purple stems (scapes). (USDA Hardiness Zones 3 -8). It is a medium-sized hosta, that grows approximately 18 inches […]

Other Wild Gingers For Your Landscape

Although wild gingers, Asarum and Hexastylis species, can be found the world over, most are indigenous to the shaded woodlands of Asia, Europe, and North America. Wild gingers are members of the Aristolochiaceae (Birthwort family). Several species of Hexastylis and Asarum grow exceptionally well in the Southern Appalachian region (Zones 5b-7b). New varieties continue the marketplace. Wild gingers are frequently planted as […]

Wild Ginger

Wild ginger (Asarum canadense) is a U.S. native spring wildflower which grows in rich garden and woodland soils. Wild ginger is a stemless 4-8-inch-tall plant (8 -10 inches wide) which features distinctive downy, basal, dark green foliage. Leaves are heart-shaped to kidney-shaped, and delicately veined, and up to 6 inches wide. Cup-shaped, purplish brown, 3 […]

Christmas Rose

Christmas roses (Helleborus niger), aka Christmas roses, are early winter flowering lenten roses. They bloom around Christmas time if winter temps are generally still mild. Based on the severity of winter temps, start of bloom date will vary considerably between H. niger and the more popular Helleborus x hybridus (H. x orientalis). (USDA hardiness zones […]