Archive for the ‘Aggressive grower’ Category

Seeds One Year…Weeds For Eight Years

Most weed invasions happen when you let the weeds get past you. If you don’t let them flower, they won’t reproduce (seed-in). Frequent mowing or a sharp machete may delay their ability to flower and seed. This is only a temporary solution. Some weeds flower and seed below the mower’s cut. Examples are common lawn […]

Arrowwood Viburnum Very Tough U.S. Native Shrub

Arrowwood Viburnum (Viburnum dentatum) is an easy to grow deciduous shrub that handles most landscape conditions, including soil types (USDA hardiness zones 5 to 8). It grows best in full sun and in a well-drained soil. Clusters of tiny, creamy-white flat-topped flowers appear from late spring into summer. A bountiful crop of dark blue berries […]

Summer Chocolate™ Mimosa Tree Worth A Try

Mimosa tree (Albizia julibrissin) is treasured as a four month landscape tree for its tropical-like foliage and flowering. This small deciduous tree grows 20 to 25 feet tall and its horizontal branching reaches out widely. Mimosa leafs out in late May with lush green, tropical-looking pinnately compound foliage and growth is very rapid. From mid-June […]

Give Lots of Space To Bottlebrush Buckeye

If you have lots of planting space, aggressive bottlebrush buckeye (Aesculus parvifolia) is what you want. This deciduous, multi-stemmed shrub grows 8 to 12 feet tall and 8 to 15 feet wide.A Southeastern U.S. native, bottlebrush buckeye is a late spring flowering shrub and requires little extra attention other than pruning. Plant in full sun […]

Why Some Vines Do Not Bloom

Why doesn’t my wisteria (Wisteria spp.) or climbing hydrangea (Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris) vine bloom? There are primarily four (4) reasons why these vines have not flowered. In order of importance they include: 1. The flower buds, which usually formed on the previous summer’s wood, may have been pruned off. Do not prune vine after […]

Tiger Eyes® Sumac Far Less Aggressive

I’m uneasy to recommend our native invasive sumac in a home landscape, but Tiger Eyes sumac (Rhus typhina ‘Bailtiger’), known as Tiger Eyes®, is far less aggressive (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). Its brightly colored cut-leaf foliage will definitely catch your attention in the summer. Leaves turn maroon-red in the autumn. This small deciduous tree or […]

Autumn Clematis – Be Careful What You Ask For

              Autumn clematis (Clematis terniflora) is a late summer flowering twining vine with dark green foliage. The sweetly fragrant white flowers bloom for 4-5 weeks. The four petal (sepal) blossom is 1 inch across, borne in clusters, and mature into puffy plume-like seed heads. Its deciduous foliage is leathery in feel and remains mostly […]

Leyland Cypress For Fast Growing Evergreen Privacy

Leyland Cypress Leyland cypress (xCupressocyparis x leylandii) is winter hardy in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA zones 6 and 7). It is frequently regarded as “the” conifer for Southern states. Its growth rate, compared to other evergreen conifers, is horrendously fast, with young established plants growing 3 feet or more annually. A young 2-3 foot specimen may reach […]

Common Ditch Lilies

A native of eastern Asia, tawny daylilies (Hemerocallis fulva) are often called “ditch lilies”. You see them growing along roadsides, in back alleys, and in old gardens, often in very poor soil. Their tenacious root system helps to stabilize steep slopes. They seem to thrive in places too difficult for most plants. They’re grow so easily […]

Ostrich Fern Likes It Moist And Cool

For sheer toughness ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris) handles most landscape situations (USDA hardiness zones 2-7a). Ostrich fern is commonly seen growing naturally in cool moist river bottom soils, 3-5 feet in height and spreading aggressively. Roots have a clumping rhizomatous nature. The fronds grow upright with a slightly arching form, typically to 2-3 feet in […]