Insect hotels are intended for most (not all) sorts of pollinators. They’re easy to construct from new or recycled materials. These structures should be weatherproof as they serve as year-round shelters for bees, wasps, ladybugs, and others that may hibernate over winter. Insect hotels are essentially the same as “wildlife walls” as they invite multiple […]
Archive for the ‘Slugs’ Category
Controlling Slugs and Snails
Slugs and snails are common pests of many common garden plants. They are particularly troublesome in shady woodland areas. They crawl across leaves and leave a slimy residue over the leaf surface. They feed primarily at night. Ecologically, their niche is to decompose organic matter. During the daytime hours they hide under leaves, mulch, rocks, stepping stones, […]
Thistle-like Bear’s Breeches
Spiny bear’s breeches (Acanthus spinosa) is a clump-forming perennial treasured for its attractive thistle-like foliage and architecturally bold flower spikes (USDA hardiness zones 5b-9). Plant requires little maintenance and is long-lived. Deeply-cut, arching, glossy green, spiny, thistle-like leaves attain 2-3 feet in length on older plants and remain attractive through the growing season. Leaves bear mostly hidden spines on […]
U.S. Native Bleeding Hearts Dazzle In Woodland Garden
One of nature’s delights in the late spring – early summer garden is the wonder of bleeding hearts (Dicentra spp.) in bloom (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). Fringed bleeding heart (D. exima) is a U.S. native to the Appalachian Mountains. Fringed bleeding heart exhibits deeply-cut, fern-like, grayish-green foliage on 10-15 inch tall plants. Dangling bright pink pendant (or heart) flowers […]
Facts About Garden Watering – How Much And When
Modern gardeners are using more efficient drip irrigation or soaker hoses. Water bills are less than overhead or oscillating systems. You may opt to attach the hose to an automatic timer so you can irrigate in absentia. Water goes on and off anytime you select. In garden beds water plants deeply once weekly rather than a […]
Avoiding Slug Problems On Hostas
Finding slug resistance among hosta varieties is relative. By late summer, you will find some holes in leaves in almost every variety, some a lot worst than others. There are ways to reduce slug injury in your host plantings. Weather is a key factor. Wet summers means higher slug and snail populations. Dry summers is […]
Tips On Growing Delphiniums
Modern day delphiniums (Delphinium spp.), also called larkspurs, are the result of 2 centuries of complex breeding efforts in Europe and U.S. Delphiniums are short-lived perennials, at their best for 2-3 years. They’re most attuned to the cool temperate climes of the northern U.S. Delphiniums belong in the Buttercup (Ranunculaceae) family (USDA hardiness zones […]
Wonderful Bellworts For Woodland Gardens
The soft yellow bell-shaped flowers of bellworts (Uvularia spp.), aka merrybells, contribute to spring’s awakening in U.S. woodlands and shade gardens (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). On both U. grandiflora and U. perfoliata, flower stems pierce (pass through) the center of the leaves. A third species, (U. sessilifolia), nicknamed Wild Oats, […]
New Christmas Roses (Hellebores) Greatly Improved
Christmas roses (Helleborus niger) is a winter flowering perennial. It is native to central and southern Europe (USDA hardiness zones 4-8) and is not as winter hardy as lenten rose (Helleborus x orientalis). Christmas rose tends to flower 1 to 4 weeks earlier, around the Christmas holidays in southern climes (zones 7-8). New selections of H. niger are better […]
Hosta Award Winners
Without question, hostas are the most popular perennial for the shade garden. Their lovely foliage provides color, texture and architecture in their garden space from April to a hard autumn frost. They are hardy, long-lived, and relatively maintenance-free. Hostas range in size from miniature 2 to 3 inches tall types to enormous large leafy clumps […]