Archive for the ‘Regional’ Category

Uniquely Different Spider Azalea

Although rarely seen, spider azalea (Rhododendron stenopetalum  ‘Linearfolium’) will be a pleasing addition to your woodland garden (USDA hardiness zones 6-8). Few people would ever guess that it is an azalea. This airy shrub grows 3-4 feet tall and a whole lot wider. It is slow growing, but is worth the wait. This unique semi- evergreen azalea hails from Japan. The very narrow […]

Growing Celosia In The Summer Garden

  Celosias (Celosia argentea), aka cockscomb, feather, and plume amaranths, are summer flowering annuals in most of the U.S. (USDA hardiness zones 10-11). Mature plant height varies by cultivars, generally between 6 inches and 3 feet in height, taller types grown for the florist market. Celosia plants are classified into three groups: a crested type (C. […]

Simple Care of Crape Myrtles

Crape Myrtle Hardiness: Know how hardy the cultivar is. USDA hardiness zones 6 to 9). Site Location: Crape myrtles love sunlight. Flower numbers decline in light to medium shade. Plant in average soil that is well-drained. Select the right cultivar that fits the allotted planting space. Mulch plant and water as needed the first growing season. […]

Landscape Ideas Using Crape Myrtles

If you live in zone 7 and points southward, you are likely growing crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei). Additional hybrid cultivars (varieties) are hardy in zone 6. Crape myrtles are loved for their spectacular summer flowers, colorful fall foliage, and exquisite peeling bark over trunks and branches. Cultivars range in size from dwarf selections […]

When To Cut Back Foliage Of Spring Flowering Bulbs

Once your tulips, daffodils and other spring flowering bulbs have bloomed, don’t be in a hurry to cut off the stems and leaves.  Plant foliage serves an valuable role in the health and growth of bulbous plants. The green leaves absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide as a part of the process of photosynthesis. The spent blossoms […]

Bugleweed (Ajuga) Groundcover

Bugleweed, aka carpetweed (Ajuga reptans), is low-growing semi-evergreen groundcover that offers almost year-round appeal (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). It develops a low prostrate habit and spreads by runners that root into the soil. Attractive vertical spikes of flowers arise in mid- to late- spring. Cultivars abound with multi-colored flowers. Foliage variants range from light green, […]

Pest Alert -Laurel Wilt Disease

Laurel wilt (Raffaelea lauricola) is an invasive deadly vascular wilt disease of red bay laurel and other trees in the Lauraceae family. The fungal disease is carried from tree to tree by a small beetle called the redbay ambrosia beetle (Xyleborus glabratus). This Ambrosia beetle bores into the wood and the fungus disease infects the […]

Four Large Street Trees With A Narrow Vertical Look

There is an old saying that they’re not making more land. This is particularly true in urban downtown areas where room to grow street trees is very limited. Here are four tall trees that also have a striking vertical accent. Their branching is upright. Because of their tall stature, they are particularly suitable planted along wide […]

Favorites For The Shade

Here are ten of my favorite perennial plants for shady areas (USDA hardiness zones 4-7). All prosper in 1-2  hours of early morning sunlight and in humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil.  Mulch to conserve moisture and suppress weeds. Hosta – unquestionably the shade favorite of  U.S. gardeners.  A low maintenance plant that returns every spring with lush […]

Woody Trees and Shrubs That Bees Like Most and Least*

Recently, I saw this listing of woody trees and shrubs that are good pollinators. I grow a number of these great plants in my garden and will vouch for the accuracy of this list. The source is HRI Research and data was collected in the Ohio Valley region of the U.S. (includes Tennessee, Kentucky, southern Indiana and […]