Archive for the ‘Regional’ Category

Summer Blooming ‘Little Lemon’ Goldenrod

  Goldenrods are members of the aster family (Asteraceae); approximately 100 species of goldenrods are native to North America. Across most of the Eastern and Midwestern U.S., goldenrods are frequently spotted growing in moist soils in open farm fields, in ditches, and along edges of streams. The golden yellow blooms attract countless bees, butterflies and other […]

Utilize Sweet Flag For Garden Accent

Sweet flag cultivar (Acorus gramineus) is an iris-like perennial usually planted for its wavy drifts of golden yellow foliage. This dwarf ground cover, indigenous to China, Korea and Japan, grows 6-12 inches tall. Sweet flag is a member of the acorus family (Acoraceae) (USDA hardiness zones 6-9 and should be winter protected in zone 5). Green […]

War On Aphids

                Aphids are pests that feed on many kinds of garden plants. These tiny insects wreak massive destruction in multiple ways. There are many different kinds (and colors) of aphids. They’re small, 1/16 inch more or less, and feed on plant sap to obtain nutrients. In greenhouses they reproduce without mating; […]

What To Know About Flowering Vines

For some gardeners planting vines is not for the faint of heart. Vines need space, support, training, and for some – lots of pruning. Some vines don’t demand lots of room while others chew up lots of space. Small vines like clematis or annual morning glories (Ipomoea) may be grown in a large patio container for many years […]

Growing Trilliums

                Trilliums (Trillium spp.) are the beloved native wildflower around the world. Many species are native to the U.S. Five popular U.S. species are great white trillium (T. grandiflorum), yellow trillium (T. luteum), prairie trillium (T. recurvatum), drooping trillium (T. flexipes), and sweet Betsy trillium (T. cuneatum). For 8 months and more, trilliums are […]

Slender Deutzia Is Versatile Landscape Shrub

                Most gardeners have never heard of deutzias (Deutzia spp.) which is very unfortunate. There are many species of deutzias. They bloom in spring and grow into many shapes and sizes. Slender Deutzia (Deutzia gracilis) is a small densely branched deciduous shrub with upright to slightly arching branching (USDA zones 5-8). […]

Angel Trumpet Blooms All Summer Long

Angel trumpet (Brugmansia) is tropical plant native from Venezuela to Peru (USDA hardiness zones 7-b to 10). Plants have shown to be surprising hardy outdoors in zone 6-b in a protected area. This beautiful shrub, sometimes grown in a tree form, reaches heights of 6-10 feet. It is a member of the Solanaceae family (tomato, potato, petunia, nicotiana […]

Bedding Geraniums Excel In Cool Weather

                Over the past decade, the zonal or bedding class of geraniums (Pelargonium x hortorum) have become summer favorites in northern gardens (USDA hardiness zones 3-7). Geraniums thrive in cool weather, but are also widely planted in zones 9-10 gardens where winter temperatures are moderate. Increasing numbers of colorful varieties beautify flower beds and container gardens. Leaves are […]

Carolina Allspice Sweetshrub

Carolina allspice sweetshrub (Calycanthus floridus), aka strawberry bush, bubby bush, sweet Betsy, et al., is a trouble-free medium size spring flowering shrub. This dense rounded deciduous shrub is native to Eastern North America (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). As its common name hints, flowers emit a sweet fruity fragrance. Intensity of floral fragrance is highly variable […]

New Cannova® Cannas Worth A Try

                Cannova® Cannas (Canna x generalis) are one of a new series of seed produced hybrid cannas. In addition to profuse flowering, they’re highly rated for their compact bushy plant habit and ability to form multiple shoots. They bloom earlier and continue nonstop through summer up to first frost. Their bold, […]